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发布时间:2019-03-28 13:31
【摘要】:当前,随着高等教育大众化及经济全球化趋势的不断加强,我国大学生的就业形势日趋严峻。在这样的社会背景下,人们开始反思高等教育的弊端,于是创业教育进入了人们的视野。“创业教育”一词来源于英文的“enterpriseeducation”,从内涵上讲,创业教育主要是为了提高大学生的创业素质,它以培养大学生的创业意识、开拓能力和创业精神为目标。我国于上世纪90年代开始了对创业教育的研究及探索。 创业教育的出现,不仅丰富了教育理论,同时也为我国高等教育改革提供了新的人才培养模式。通过创业教育,提高大学生的创业意识和动手能力,不仅可以更好地帮助他们就业,同时也能使他们在创业的同时为他人提供就业机会,缓解社会就业压力。 然而,由于创业教育在我国起步晚,目前仍处于借鉴外国先进经验阶段,相关理论还不成熟,尚未形成符合我国国情的创业教育模式。因此,在分析众多学者研究成果的基础上本研究选择以“大学生创业教育问题分析及对策研究”为题,采用文献资料分析、比较分析等方法,通过对我国创业教育的兴起、发展、现状以及存在的问题进行研究,丰富对创业教育理论的了解,并在此基础上结合美国创业教育发展的先进经验对我国创业教育的发展提出一些对策和建议,以期为我国创业教育的发展提供参考。 本文共分为六章,第一章分析了论文的选题背景及意义,综述了国内外的研究现状,交代了研究的主要内容及方法;其次,从文章第二章开始介绍创业及创业教育的基本概念;第三章,,则重点分析了当前我国大学生创业教育开展的现状及存在的问题,并分析了试点院校创业教育的开展情况;第四章,借鉴美国高校的大学生创业教育经验进行分析;第五章,在结合以上各章分析的结果上提出高校应如何实施大学生创业教育;第六章将给出总体的结论。
[Abstract]:At present, with the popularization of higher education and the increasing trend of economic globalization, the employment situation of college students in China is becoming more and more severe. In this social background, people began to reflect on the shortcomings of higher education, so entrepreneurship education entered people's vision. "Entrepreneurship Education" comes from the English word "enterpriseeducation". From the connotation point of view, entrepreneurship education is mainly to improve the entrepreneurial quality of college students. It aims at cultivating the entrepreneurial consciousness, pioneering ability and entrepreneurial spirit of college students. The research and exploration of entrepreneurship education began in 90's of last century in China. The emergence of entrepreneurship education not only enriches the educational theory, but also provides a new mode of talent training for the reform of higher education in China. By means of entrepreneurship education, it can not only help college students to find jobs, but also provide employment opportunities for others and relieve the pressure of social employment by improving their entrepreneurial consciousness and practical ability. However, since entrepreneurship education started late in our country, it is still in the stage of drawing lessons from the advanced experience of foreign countries, and the relevant theories are not yet mature, which has not yet formed a model of entrepreneurship education in line with the national conditions of our country. Therefore, on the basis of analyzing the research results of many scholars, this study chooses "the problem Analysis and Countermeasure Research of College students' Entrepreneurship Education" as the title, adopts the methods of literature analysis, comparative analysis and so on, through the rise of entrepreneurship education in our country, Research on the development, current situation and existing problems, enrich the understanding of entrepreneurship education theory, and on this basis, combined with the advanced experience of the development of entrepreneurship education in the United States, put forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the development of entrepreneurship education in China. In order to provide reference for the development of entrepreneurship education in China. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter analyzes the background and significance of the thesis, summarizes the current research situation at home and abroad, explains the main contents and methods of the research, secondly, introduces the basic concepts of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education from the second chapter of the article. The third chapter focuses on the current situation and existing problems of entrepreneurship education for college students in China, and analyzes the development of entrepreneurship education in pilot colleges and universities. Chapter IV, learning from the experience of entrepreneurship education in American colleges and universities, analyzes the current situation of entrepreneurship education for college students in the United States. In the fifth chapter, the author puts forward how to carry out entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities according to the results of the above-mentioned chapters, and the general conclusion will be given in the sixth chapter.


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