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发布时间:2019-05-29 04:25
【摘要】:感恩是对社会和他人给予自己带来的恩惠和方便表示认可和感谢,并意欲回馈的一种认识、情感和行为。感恩是中华民族的传统美德,应该成为当代大学生核心价值观的重要内容。虽然国内对大学生的感恩问题有一些研究,但这些研究还不够系统和完善,存在着重定性研究,轻定量研究的现象。迄今国内还没有人专门研究贵州省大学生感恩的状况问题。本研究采用自编问卷对贵州省大学生感恩的状况进行调查,探讨和发现贵州省大学生感恩的特点及存在问题,分析贵州省高校感恩教育的得失,在此基础上,提出解决问题的教育对策。本研究,对于培养贵州省大学生的优良品德,提高贵州省高校感恩教育的质量,促进贵州省大学生的健康发展具有重要的意义。 本研究结果发现: 1、自编的《贵州省大学生感恩现状的调查问卷》,通过探索性因素分析,符合教育测量学的要求,具有较高的信效度,能够作为本研究的调查工具。 2、贵州省大学生的感恩认知、感恩归因、感恩行为和总的感恩状况得分都超出了理论中值,各维度得分由高到低排序依次为:感恩认知、感恩归因和感恩行为。 3、贵州省女大学生在感恩认知、感恩行为及感恩状况总分上得分显著高于男大学生 4、贵州省独生/非独生子女大学生在感恩归因及感恩行为两个维度有显著差异,非独生子女大学生显著高于独生子女大学生,而在感恩行为上独生子女显著高于非独生子女。总体上,非独生子女大学生的感恩状况更为积极。 5、贵州省不同专业大学生在感恩归因、感恩行为及感恩总分上都呈现出显著差异。总体上,文科专业大学生的感恩状况更为积极,其次为工科大学生,感恩状态最差的为艺体类大学生。 6、贵州省不同年级大学生的感恩认知、感恩归因、感恩行为方式和总的感恩状况无显著差异。总体上,二年级大学生得分最高,其次是一年级大学生,最低是四年级大学生。 7、贵州省家住城市的大学生在感恩行为得分上显著高于家住农村的大学生,而在感恩总分、感恩认知、感恩行为方面两者无显著差异。 8、贵州省接受过资助的大学生在感恩认知及感恩归因维度上得分显著高于未接受过资助的大学生。
[Abstract]:Gratitude is an understanding, emotion and behavior that recognizes and thanks society and others for their kindness and convenience, and wants to give back. Gratitude is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and should become an important part of the core values of contemporary college students. Although there are some studies on the gratitude of college students in China, but these studies are not systematic and perfect, there is a phenomenon of emphasizing qualitative research and light quantitative research. So far, no one in China has specially studied the situation of gratitude of college students in Guizhou Province. In this study, a self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the gratitude of college students in Guizhou Province, to explore and find out the characteristics and existing problems of gratitude among college students in Guizhou Province, and to analyze the gains and losses of gratitude education in colleges and universities in Guizhou Province. Put forward the educational countermeasures to solve the problems. This study is of great significance to cultivate the excellent moral character of college students in Guizhou Province, improve the quality of gratitude education in colleges and universities in Guizhou Province, and promote the healthy development of college students in Guizhou Province. The results of this study show that: 1. Through exploratory factor analysis, the self-designed questionnaire of gratitude status of college students in Guizhou Province meets the requirements of educational measurement, has high reliability and validity, and can be used as a survey tool for this study. 2. The scores of gratitude cognition, gratitude attribution, gratitude behavior and total gratitude status of college students in Guizhou Province exceeded the theoretical median, and the order of scores from high to low was as follows: gratitude cognition, gratitude attribution and gratitude behavior. 3. The scores of gratitude cognition, gratitude behavior and total score of gratitude status of female college students in Guizhou Province were significantly higher than those of male college students, and there were significant differences in gratitude attribution and gratitude behavior between single-child and non-only-child college students in Guizhou Province. The non-only-child college students were significantly higher than the only-child college students, and the only-child was significantly higher than the non-only-child in gratitude behavior. On the whole, the gratitude of non-only-child college students is more positive. 5. There are significant differences in gratitude attribution, gratitude behavior and total score of gratitude among college students of different majors in Guizhou Province. Generally speaking, the gratitude status of liberal arts college students is more positive, followed by engineering college students, the worst gratitude status for art and sports college students. 6. There was no significant difference in gratitude cognition, gratitude attribution, gratitude behavior and total gratitude among different grades of college students in Guizhou Province. On the whole, the second grade students scored the highest, followed by the first grade students, the lowest was the fourth grade students. 7. the score of gratitude behavior of college students living in Guizhou province was significantly higher than that of college students living in rural areas, but there was no significant difference in the total score of gratitude, gratitude cognition and gratitude behavior between the two groups. 8. The scores of gratitude cognition and gratitude attribution of college students in Guizhou Province were significantly higher than those of unfunded college students.


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