[Abstract]:Nowadays, the development of a country is closely related to the educational level of its citizens, which is an era of knowledge economy. Higher education is not only to improve the quality of the people, but also has a greater and greater influence on economic construction, especially in the process of industrial structure adjustment and optimization, the professional talents cultivated in higher education can promote the development of industrial structure, so the training direction of higher education should be in line with the needs of industrial structure. At present, our government has intensified its efforts to develop higher education in order to adapt to the development of economy, but in different regions, the investment and scale of higher education are still not coordinated and can not match with economic development, resulting in the phenomenon of brain drain in some economically underdeveloped areas, which is not conducive to the cooperation and coordinated development of the economies of various regions. Based on the theories of education, economic growth and industrial structure, and using the theories and methods of economics, statistics and pedagogy, this paper makes a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the present situation of economic development, industrial structure and the development of higher education in China in the past ten years. By means of factor analysis, this paper explains the basic situation and ranking of higher education investment in various regions of China from the micro point of view, establishes the model of the development of the three industries and the supply of higher education, analyzes the contribution of higher education to the development of different industries in the short and medium term, and also makes a correlation analysis between the employment structure of different industries and the supply of higher education, so as to further understand the structure and industrial structure of higher education. The degree of matching of employment structure. Based on the above analysis conclusions, this paper also summarizes the factors that affect the contribution of higher education to economic development, and gives reasonable policy suggestions.
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