[Abstract]:As the core of school work, teaching is one of the oldest research objects in pedagogy. It is an important topic in the current higher education research to study the teaching of university teachers, especially how to realize the professional construction of university teachers' teaching. University teachers are the main bearers and organizers of university education. University teachers have dual professional status. They are not only experts in the field of subject research, but also experts in education and teaching. Their status as scholars has been attached importance to and sought after for a long time, but their status as teaching experts has been ignored, which is an important reason for the low quality of university education and teaching. Therefore, how to improve the education and teaching level of university teachers and realize the teaching specialization of university teachers is an important and urgent task that university education researchers and university education managers need to solve. This paper is divided into five parts to discuss the construction of teaching specialization of university teachers, and the first part discusses the theoretical basis of the construction of teaching specialization of university teachers. It solves the problem of what is the specialization of university teachers' teaching. The second part discusses the standards of professional university teachers. This paper focuses on two aspects: professional knowledge and professional ability. The third part discusses the pre-service education stage of the professional construction of university teachers' teaching. This paper first explains what pre-service education is, then discusses the present situation of pre-service education for university teachers, and finally enumerates five ways and forms of pre-service education for university teachers. The fourth part discusses the post-service development stage of the professional construction of university teachers' teaching. This paper first explains what is the independent development of teachers after service, then discusses why university teachers should carry out post-service independent development, and finally discusses that the main form of post-service independent development of university teachers is educational action research, and discusses in detail the concept of action research, the concept of educational action research and the application of educational action research in university teaching. The fifth part discusses the policy and system guarantee of the teaching specialization construction of university teachers: the establishment of university education specialty and the establishment of university teacher teaching method. When a certain progress or major change in education is stipulated and guaranteed in the form of law, it means that the progress or change has been clearly recognized by the society, and also represents the complete success of the progress or change. Through the formulation of the Teaching method of University Teachers in the people's Republic of China, the basic characteristics of the law can be shown and become the basis for the selection and training of university teachers.
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