发布时间:2022-12-22 02:11
近些年来,由于计算机技术的使用和普及,特别是多媒体和网络技术的应用,改变了语言学习和教学的方式。关于计算机辅助教学的论文层出不穷,但是,大部分论文都从学生或者技术对学生的影响角度展开的,尤其在当前的环境中,很少有人从教师的角度来探讨问题。 此论文从计算机技术和外语教学的发展谈起,逐渐过渡到网络时代教学特点,然后分析教师的职责定位以及如何提高英语的教学质量。 此论文以构建主义为理论基础。在此理论的指导下,学生带着已有的知识、观点和对事物的理解开始新的学习。以前的知识储备是构建新知识的基础。在教学过程中,学生的参与,教师启发思维创新并提供资料,因此注重学生个性发展,师生共同探讨问题等等都是课堂活动的主要内容。在这样的环境下,教师不仅是知识的传授者,而且也履行着其他职责,如组织者、促进者、研究者、参与者,管理者和评估者,等等。 第一章介绍论文的背景、原理和必要性,同时列出关键词的解释以及论文的结构。 第二章回顾专家和学者在相关领域所做的研究综述,同时指出其不足之处:即缺乏系统性和行之有效的教学方法。此论文旨在理论研究和实践结合方面有所突破。 ...
【文章页数】:96 页
Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.1 A General Description of the Study
1.1.1 Background of the Study
1.1.2 The Rationale and Justification of the Study
1.2 The Necessity of the Study
1.3 Definition of Key Terms
1.4 The Overall Structure
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Development of Technology and Foreign Language Teaching
2.1.1 Teaching Characteristics in the Cyber Era
2.1.2 Advantages of Network-Aided Language Teaching
2.2 Teacher's Roles
2.2.1 In Traditional Setting
2.2.2 From Different Perspectives in the Cyber Setting
2.3 Previous CALL Studies on Language Teachers
2.3.1 The Levels of Language Teachers' Practice of CALL
2.3.2 Studies Related to Factors Affecting Teachers' Use of Technology
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Teacher's Roles Orientation in the Cyber Era
3.1 Ideal Conditions for Carrying Out Constructivism
3.2 Teacher's Role Orientation in the Cyber Era
3.2.1 organizer
3.2.2 Facilitator
3.2.3 Researcher
3.2.4 Participant
3.2.5 Supervisor and Assessor
3.3 Realization of Teacher's Roles
3.3.1 Changing Teacher's Concept
3.3.2 Improving Comprehensive Qualities
3.4 Significance in Changing Teacher's Roles
3.5 Elements Hindering Teachers from Playing Roles
3.5.1 Teacher's Factors
3.5.2 Students' Factors
3.5.3 Technology Factors
3.5.4 Countermeasures
Chapter 4 Countermeasures in Improving English Teaching
4.1 Change of Teaching Methodology
4.2 Communicative Language Teaching
4.2.1 The Development of Communicative Language Teaching
4.2.2 Characteristic of Communicative Approach
4.2.3 Linguistic Competence versus Communicative Competence
4.2.4 Measures for Improvement
4.3 Interactive Teaching
4.3.1 Basic Theory of Interactive Teaching
4.3.2 The Application of Interactive Teaching in College English
4.4 Focus on Emotional Elements in Teaching
4.4.1 Application of Motivation Theory
4.4.2 Valuing the Learner Autonomy
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Recommendations for English Teachers
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study
[1]E时代英语教师信息素养探论[J]. 谢徐萍. 外语界. 2005(04)
[2]从多媒体和网络技术环境下的口语教学看教师角色的再定位[J]. 陈晓明,刘宇慧. 外语电化教学. 2005(03)
[3]多媒体环境下互动式教学理论在大学英语教学中应用的探索与思考[J]. 金国臣. 西安外国语学院学报. 2005(02)
[4]互动性原则与大学英语多媒体网络教学模式研究[J]. 蔡向凡. 西安外国语学院学报. 2005(01)
[5]高校网络英语教学:问题、特点及教师角色[J]. 杨晓丽. 外语电化教学. 2005(01)
[6]大学英语教学新模式探索[J]. 梁正溜. 外语界. 2004(03)
[7]高校英语教师素质抽样调查[J]. 戴曼纯,张希春. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2004(02)
[8]一场事关重大的教学改革——写在《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行)公布之际[J]. 李荫华. 中国大学教学. 2004(03)
[9]新世纪大学英语教师面临的挑战与对策[J]. 陈国崇. 外语界. 2003(01)
[10]多媒体教学应该正确处理的几个关系[J]. 方志梅. 中国高教研究. 2002(04)
【文章页数】:96 页
Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.1 A General Description of the Study
1.1.1 Background of the Study
1.1.2 The Rationale and Justification of the Study
1.2 The Necessity of the Study
1.3 Definition of Key Terms
1.4 The Overall Structure
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Development of Technology and Foreign Language Teaching
2.1.1 Teaching Characteristics in the Cyber Era
2.1.2 Advantages of Network-Aided Language Teaching
2.2 Teacher's Roles
2.2.1 In Traditional Setting
2.2.2 From Different Perspectives in the Cyber Setting
2.3 Previous CALL Studies on Language Teachers
2.3.1 The Levels of Language Teachers' Practice of CALL
2.3.2 Studies Related to Factors Affecting Teachers' Use of Technology
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Teacher's Roles Orientation in the Cyber Era
3.1 Ideal Conditions for Carrying Out Constructivism
3.2 Teacher's Role Orientation in the Cyber Era
3.2.1 organizer
3.2.2 Facilitator
3.2.3 Researcher
3.2.4 Participant
3.2.5 Supervisor and Assessor
3.3 Realization of Teacher's Roles
3.3.1 Changing Teacher's Concept
3.3.2 Improving Comprehensive Qualities
3.4 Significance in Changing Teacher's Roles
3.5 Elements Hindering Teachers from Playing Roles
3.5.1 Teacher's Factors
3.5.2 Students' Factors
3.5.3 Technology Factors
3.5.4 Countermeasures
Chapter 4 Countermeasures in Improving English Teaching
4.1 Change of Teaching Methodology
4.2 Communicative Language Teaching
4.2.1 The Development of Communicative Language Teaching
4.2.2 Characteristic of Communicative Approach
4.2.3 Linguistic Competence versus Communicative Competence
4.2.4 Measures for Improvement
4.3 Interactive Teaching
4.3.1 Basic Theory of Interactive Teaching
4.3.2 The Application of Interactive Teaching in College English
4.4 Focus on Emotional Elements in Teaching
4.4.1 Application of Motivation Theory
4.4.2 Valuing the Learner Autonomy
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Recommendations for English Teachers
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study
[1]E时代英语教师信息素养探论[J]. 谢徐萍. 外语界. 2005(04)
[2]从多媒体和网络技术环境下的口语教学看教师角色的再定位[J]. 陈晓明,刘宇慧. 外语电化教学. 2005(03)
[3]多媒体环境下互动式教学理论在大学英语教学中应用的探索与思考[J]. 金国臣. 西安外国语学院学报. 2005(02)
[4]互动性原则与大学英语多媒体网络教学模式研究[J]. 蔡向凡. 西安外国语学院学报. 2005(01)
[5]高校网络英语教学:问题、特点及教师角色[J]. 杨晓丽. 外语电化教学. 2005(01)
[6]大学英语教学新模式探索[J]. 梁正溜. 外语界. 2004(03)
[7]高校英语教师素质抽样调查[J]. 戴曼纯,张希春. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2004(02)
[8]一场事关重大的教学改革——写在《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行)公布之际[J]. 李荫华. 中国大学教学. 2004(03)
[9]新世纪大学英语教师面临的挑战与对策[J]. 陈国崇. 外语界. 2003(01)
[10]多媒体教学应该正确处理的几个关系[J]. 方志梅. 中国高教研究. 2002(04)