[Abstract]:The "Guide to the continuing Education Project of Zhejiang University" (hereinafter referred to as "the Guide") is a compilation of continuing education projects that reflect the training objectives, contents and forms of continuing education of Zhejiang University before the end of 1999. It is also a medium that focuses on the achievements of continuing education in Zhejiang University and is still playing an active role in displaying the achievements of continuing education. In order to understand accurately the influence and effect of the compilation and printing of the Guide on the continuing education work of our school in the past four years, so as to improve and enrich the Guide in order to better guide the practice of continuing education in our school, For the implementation of the talent strategy to make our due contribution, we have made this survey. The results show that the Guide is not only necessary but also feasible to promote the development of our university's continuing education, and it has become an important channel for the training units to obtain the training information of Zhejiang University and the overall development of Zhejiang University. Organize training for training units and work with Zhejiang University
【作者单位】: 浙江大学继续教育学院 浙江大学继续教育学院 浙江大学继续教育学院
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