[Abstract]:Comrade Chen Yun's thought of cadre education and training is very rich, involving all aspects of cadre education and training. It mainly includes looking at cadre education and training from the height of the success or failure of revolution and construction, taking the guarantee of high quality talents for revolution and construction as the starting point of cadre education and training; taking the training of revolutionary, young, knowledgeable and specialized party and government leading cadres as the goal of cadre education and training; and adhering to the principle of combining theory with practice. The education and training of cadres should take improving the basic Marxist theoretical level of cadres as the primary task; we should pay attention to the education and training of cadres in accordance with the work center of the Party, from grass-roots units to the central government; we should not only pay attention to the hierarchy and pertinence of cadre education and training, but also pay attention to the flexible and diverse methods and methods of cadre education and training. Chen Yun's thought of cadre education and training is of great practical significance to do a good job in large-scale training of cadres in the new period.
【作者单位】: 国家行政学院
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