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发布时间:2018-01-13 21:08

  本文关键词:TPI教学方法对高尔夫球初学者全挥杆技术影响的研究 出处:《河北师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: TPI 教学方法 高尔夫球 全挥杆 初学者

[Abstract]:There are 34 colleges and universities in China offering golf courses. Generally speaking, the goal of teaching is to master the whole swing technique of golf, and the teaching method of golf technique is to master the whole swing technique of golf. The sum of organization and means. According to the general rules of golf, the usual teaching methods of golf techniques include: teaching method, demonstration method, decomposition and complete teaching method. Practice method and error correction method. These aspects must have its advantages, but to complete different levels of teaching tasks, should be adjusted according to the actual situation of students. TPI teaching method refers to the teaching of golf swing. In order to improve the movement quality of the students' whole swing technique, through the body evaluation of TPI to find out the limitation of the body function of the beginners, to find out the common problems, and to formulate the golf practice plan. The advantage of the teaching method of classifying technology diagnosis. TPI teaching method is that it can solve the body restriction of swing and improve the learning efficiency and interest. And reduce the probability of sports injury. This paper mainly through the experimental method and interview method, the TPI teaching method and conventional teaching methods in the full swing batting effect, learning interest and sports injury were compared. In order to find out suitable for beginner golf full swing practice method. To provide theoretical basis for golf teaching. The subjects of the study were selected from the 2014 undergraduate students of social sports guidance and management in the Department of Social physical Education of Hebei Institute of physical Education. The results are as follows: the teaching method before the introduction of the batting effect, the two groups of the speed of the club head, hitting angle, pole track, pole surface angle, hitting distance. After the introduction of teaching methods, the results of batting, the control group and the experimental group, the average speed of the club head, batting distance have significant differences. There is no significant difference in other aspects. This study draws the following conclusions: 1. TPI teaching method is superior to the conventional teaching method in the speed and distance of golf beginners' full swing. In the future, the theoretical study of physical education teaching methods has positive significance. 2. TPI teaching methods and conventional teaching methods are compared. It can be known that the stability caused by the deviation of batting effect is gradually strengthened. 3. TPI teaching method is used in teaching. The teaching method of TPI enriches the teaching method of golf swing and makes the teaching method of golf diversified.


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