本文关键词: APP运营 微信运动 “微信运动”运营 出处:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The progress of science and technology is changing our life. Provides the basis for the development of sports of the popularity of smart mobile phone APP. Many kinds of sports APP came into being, but some sports APP just on the line in the face of death, some sports APP has attracted users gradually penetrated into the daily life of the sports fitness. However users because APP is still fresh things in sports, at present the research on this field is still relatively small. So we hope that through investigation and Research on the present situation of "WeChat" application operation, understand the development process of "WeChat" applications, overall operation situation and existing problems, and through the questionnaire survey data and target users analysis to understand the needs of users, on the basis of the future "WeChat" application operation solution countermeasures. This paper uses the methods of literature, interview, ask Questionnaire survey method and mathematical statistics, conducts the investigation and Study on the present situation of "WeChat" application operations. "WeChat" application content design includes five plates four arranged, providing motion recording function for users, data sharing sports game function, PK function, and communication function and function. Through the charitable donation "WeChat" app users issuing electronic questionnaire, based on the results of the interview study found: "WeChat user movement" Application of women slightly more than men; age concentrated in 25 - 30 years old and 50 years old by the age of two; the number of users more high education level occupation; stable income, leisure time stable user number; the use of high frequency of the user, and the period from 16 to 22 during the period; users use the data recording function; higher user satisfaction WeChat. " "The application of marketing channel mainly depends on the spontaneous publicity of the user, since the media activities of" push and offline promotion with the line. The planning activities include the daily public donation step "benefits experts" activities, large-scale activities "to Rio" National Olympic activities, and "Group donated step season" study found that, "there are some problems in WeChat application operation process: record data inaccurate, APP uses the power consumption, data flow, accounting for mobile phone memory. There are restrictions on the user movement form, scientific fitness guide is not enough. The marketing channel is narrow, lack of publicity from the fierce competition of similar products.. on this basis, the paper suggested: 1) improving the design of content services and functions, as users of health management tools; 2) pay attention to the needs of users, increase scientific fitness guide; 3) to further strengthen the publicity and marketing, expand the Marketing channels; 4) combined online and offline, planning to carry out rich user activities.
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