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发布时间:2018-02-26 09:53

  本文关键词: 花样滑冰 青少年后备人才 培养体系 出处:《吉林体育学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces have carried out a lot of sports on ice, and figure skating is one of the important projects. Taking advantage of this advantage, Heilongjiang, Jilin Province has always been the birthplace of Chinese figure skating talents, and has achieved many excellent results in major international competitions. In recent years, the state has carried out many innovations and reforms in figure skating in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces, for Heilongjiang, The development of figure skating in the two provinces of Jilin Province has provided more platforms and opportunities for the training and development of reserve talents. However, due to the retirement of the old group of outstanding athletes, the development trend of the gap of reserve talents has been created. In particular, the problem of training the reserve talents at the grassroots level is particularly significant. Later, the country launched the policy of "North Ice and South Development", which developed our country's figure skating to the southern cities. In this paper, some amateur sports schools in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces, city sports teams, coaches and athletes of provincial sports teams are the objects of investigation. Field investigation, questionnaire survey, data statistics and other research methods, the relevant contents of the training system of the reserve talents of figure skating in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces are as follows: the training system of athletes (talent training structure, talent resources, etc.). Sports motivation and so on; coaches (professional skills, scientific research ability, etc.); athletes training and competition situation; athletes' learning and daily life management content of four aspects of investigation and comparative analysis. Collating, summarizing, analyzing and studying the collected data, and deeply thinking about the present situation, existing problems and improvement measures of the training system for the reserve talents of figure skating in Black and Jilin provinces, aiming at providing Heilongjiang, In order to promote the orderly and benign development of the reserve forces of figure skating in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces, the sustainable development of the young figure skating athletes in the two provinces of Jilin Province can be provided with theoretical basis. At the same time, In order to draw lessons from the problems that may be encountered in the process of carrying out the policy of "North Ice and South Exhibition", the author makes a systematic theoretical research and practical analysis on the effective basis of the investigation. In the aspect of human resources system, the number of figure skating reserve talents in Black and Jilin provinces shows a downward trend, but the number of national figure skating reserve talents is on the rise. Most of the reserve talent sources for figure skating in the two provinces are the provincial capitals with good economic development, while the number of talents trained in other cities is relatively poor. There is no obvious difference between the two provinces. The coaches in Heilongjiang Province think that the unreasonable proportion of the training system of reserve talents for figure skating is higher than in Jilin Province. The professional skill level is high, the training experience is rich, but the scientific research ability is relatively lacking; Heilongjiang Province coaches have more training and learning times than Jilin Province, The relevant departments of Heilongjiang Province have better learning organization and management of coaches than Jilin Province. In the aspect of competition training system, Heilongjiang Province is more inclined to train 5-6 times a week than Jilin Province. However, the training time of athletes in Jilin Province is longer than that in Heilongjiang Province, and the number of times that Jilin Province athletes participate in competitions every year is more than that in Heilongjiang Province. In the aspect of logistics support management system, the two provinces urgently need to improve the daily management of athletes. But from the data point of view, the management of the coaches in Heilongjiang Province is more strict than that of the coaches in Jilin Province, and the guidance for the athletes to learn cultural knowledge is also superior to that in Jilin Province. The policy guarantee system of reserve talent training in Jilin and Jilin provinces needs to be improved constantly.


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