本文选题:商丘市城区 切入点:群众羽毛球运动 出处:《西安体育学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Badminton is one of the most popular sports in our country. In recent years, with the development of physical training for all people, more and more people participate in badminton activities. In such a sports environment, with the rapid development of mass badminton in Shangqiu City, more and more exercisers are willing to participate in badminton sports, and there is a pleasant sports atmosphere. Laid a good foundation for the growth of badminton in Shangqiu. Strengthen the development of mass badminton, and make this policy of the National Fitness Program come true from the plan. Moreover, the physical quality of residents all over the country has been continuously improved, which is conducive to the realization of harmonious socialism. This paper mainly uses mathematical statistics, questionnaires, interviews and other research methods. Through the investigation of the development of mass badminton in Shangqiu urban area, and through the understanding of the situation, the corresponding countermeasures are given, so as to be more conducive to the development of mass badminton in Shangqiu city. Through investigation and research, The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The related knowledge of badminton is popularized in the fitness crowd. Participants who love badminton have taken it as a part of their life. The number of men participating in the mass badminton sports in Shangqiu City is more than that of women, and the majority of people who participate in mass badminton sports are young and middle-aged people. The age generally exists in 20-45 years old .3.The middle and young people who participate in mass badminton in Shangqiu city are mainly middle and young people whose playing age is mainly between 5 and 6 years, and the main proportion of work nature is education. The majority of the people in the mass badminton sports in Shangqiu city have badminton sports at night, and their physical fitness and personal love are their main sports motives. There are more and more people who affirm the fitness effect of badminton. The places to participate in badminton are: school gymnasium, club, park and fitness square, etc. The time periods are morning, afternoon, evening, etc. Most of the exercise time is about one hour. 6. The badminton court in Shangqiu city is unevenly distributed, the layout is not reasonable, and the number of the venue is seriously insufficient. It is believed that 70% of the total number of people surveyed are reasonably charged, and some clubs with unsound sports equipment also exist.
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