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发布时间:2018-03-24 23:01

  本文选题:情境教学法 切入点:体育课 出处:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:研究背景:执行功能是个体完成复杂任务时,协调控制各种基本认知活动的高级认知过程。良好的执行功能可以帮助个体更好的控制自己、确定未来的目标定向、以及形成有目的性的行为。但如果执行功能出现了障碍的话就会导致个体在认知、情绪和社会功能等方面的异常,从而严重影响其社会成就。已有的大学新生执行功能相关研究显示:在新的环境中容易产生一些不适应,甚至产生心理障碍和疾病,如(抑郁、焦虑、孤独症等)。这一现象引起了多学科领域专家的关注,探索改善和提高大学生执行功能发展的有效途径已经成为研究的热点。近年来,不断增加的研究证据发现体育运动可促进大学生执行功能的发展,可以作为一种促进大学生执行功能发展的有效手段。并且随着社会的进步,人们对体育的认识和需求不断提升。高校体育课程是实施素质教育和培养全面发展人才的重要途径,理应承担促进大学生执行功能发展的责任,这就需要我们在教学过程中不断地探索,不断依据大学生自身的特点制订切实可行的教育方案,让大学生身心得到全面发展,这对增进大学生身心健康,丰富体育运动与执行功能关系理论,以及高校体育教学改革理论与实践均具有重要价值。研究目的:本研究结合大学新生的身心发展特点,在篮球教学课中开展情境教学,探讨设计的8周采用情境教学法的篮球课对大学生执行功能的影响,揭示高校体育课程对发展大学生执行功能的作用。研究方法:以江苏省扬州大学两个班(共82名)为研究对象,随机指定其中一个班为情境教学组(42名),另外一个班为对照组(40名)。试验中使用Flanker、2-back以及More-odd shifting任务评价大学新生8周实验前后执行功能的抑制、刷新和转换三个子功能的变化。使用SPSS统计软件的独立样本T检验、重复测量方差分析对数据分析与统计。研究结果:(1)不同的篮球教学对大学生执行功能影响存在差异,时间*组别的交互效应具有统计学意义(F_((1,60))=13.39,P0.01)。(2)采用情境教学法的篮球课对大学新生的抑制功能存在积极影响,不同篮球教学对大学生抑制功能影响在时间*组别的交互效应显著(F_((1,60))=7.60,P=0.010.05)。(3)采用情境教学法的篮球课对大学新生的刷新功能存在积极影响,不同篮球教学对大学生刷新功能在时间*组别的交互效应显著(F_((1,60))=16.70,P=0.000.05)。(4)采用情境教学法的篮球课对大学新生的转换功能的影响不具有显著性,不同篮球教学对大学生转换功能在时间*组别的交互效应不显著(F_((1,60))=0.02,P=0.900.05)。研究结论:(1)8周采用情境教学法的篮球课对大学新生执行功能的发展有促进作用。(2)8周采用情境教学法的篮球课对大学新生执行功能各个子功能促进效果存在差异性,抑制功能促进效果显著;刷新功能促进效果显著,转换功能促进效果不显著。
[Abstract]:Background: executive function is an advanced cognitive process that coordinates and controls a variety of basic cognitive activities when an individual accomplishes complex tasks. Good executive functions can help individuals to better control themselves and determine future goals. And to form purposeful behavior. But if there is an obstacle to executive function, it can lead to cognitive, emotional, and social dysfunction. This seriously affects their social achievements. Existing studies on the executive function of freshmen have shown that in the new environment, it is easy to produce some maladjustment, even psychological disorders and diseases, such as depression, anxiety, etc. Autism and so on. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of multi-disciplinary experts, and exploring effective ways to improve and enhance the development of college students' executive function has become a hot spot in recent years. Increasing research evidence shows that sports can promote the development of college students' executive function, and can be used as an effective means to promote the development of college students' executive function. The college physical education curriculum is an important way to carry out quality education and cultivate all-round development talents, and should bear the responsibility of promoting the development of college students' executive function. This requires us to constantly explore in the course of teaching, to constantly formulate practical educational programs according to the characteristics of college students, so that college students can have an all-round development of their bodies and minds, which will improve the physical and mental health of college students. It is of great value to enrich the theory of the relationship between sports and executive function, as well as the theory and practice of physical education reform in colleges and universities. Objective: this study combines the characteristics of college freshmen's physical and mental development, and carries out situational teaching in basketball teaching. To explore the effect of the designed 8-week situational basketball course on the executive function of college students. This paper reveals the effect of physical education courses in colleges and universities on the development of college students' executive functions. Methods: two classes (82 students) of Yangzhou University in Jiangsu Province were taken as the research objects. One class was randomly assigned to the situational teaching group (n = 42) and the other class to the control group (n = 40). In the experiment, the inhibition of executive function of freshmen before and after 8-week experiment was evaluated by using the task of Flankerker 2-back and More-odd shifting. Using independent sample T test of SPSS statistical software and repeated measurement variance analysis to analyze data and statistics. The results showed that different basketball teaching had different effects on college students' executive function. The interactive effect of time * group was statistically significant. (3) Basketball class with situational teaching method had a positive effect on the inhibition function of freshmen. The interactive effect of different basketball teaching on the inhibition function of college students is significant in the time * group. The interaction effect of different basketball teaching methods on the freshmen's refreshment function is significant (7.60% P0. 010. 05. 3) the basketball class with situational teaching method has a positive effect on the freshmen's refreshment function. The interactive effect of different basketball teaching on the refreshment function of college students in the time * group was significant. The effect of situational basketball teaching on the conversion function of freshmen was not significant. The interactive effect of different basketball teaching on the conversion function of college students in time group is not significant. Conclusion Basketball teaching with situational teaching in 8 weeks can promote the development of executive function of college freshmen. There are differences in the effects of basketball lessons on the promotion of each sub-function of college freshmen's executive function. The inhibitory effect was significant, the refresh effect was significant, and the conversion function was not significant.


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