本文选题:智力障碍 + 体质 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the state has issued a series of standards to measure and monitor students' physical fitness, and has gradually formed a database and monitoring system.However, there are few studies and measurements on the development of special physical fitness of students with mental retardation.Therefore, 896 students with mental retardation aged between 8 and 18 years old from 14 special education schools in Beijing were selected as subjects.Their special physical fitness status was measured and recorded and compared with the average level of physical fitness index of ordinary students in 2010. A single sample t test was carried out to judge whether there was significant difference.This paper mainly discusses the present situation of special physical fitness of students with mental retardation.The special physical fitness status mainly includes 14 indexes in three aspects, which are morphological index (height, weight, waist circumference), functional index (blood pressure, heart rate, vital capacity), motor ability index (grip strength, sit-up, body flexion in sitting position).Abdominal bridge, one-foot closed-eye standing, sit-station test, sitting push ball, step test.According to the results of the study, the height, weight and waist circumference of children with mental retardation aged 8 to 18 in Beijing are basically increasing with age after puberty.However, the overall level was significantly lower than that of the ordinary students in China, which was related to the low level of hormone secretion caused by nervous system injury or dysplasia in the students with mental retardation.But the function index and the movement ability index of the students with mental retardation showed irregular development state, the average level of vital capacity was obviously lower than that of the normal students of the same age, which indicated that the physical exercise situation of the students with mental retardation was not optimistic.Poor levels of cardiopulmonary endurance due to a lack of appropriate sports, and poor performance of students with intellectual disabilities in terms of flexibility, core strength and balance are also noteworthy.It shows that the level of cognitive impairment limits the development of children with mental retardation and the growth of sports quality.In view of this situation, only a few suggestions are put forward: first, to increase the time of moderate physical activity, increase vital capacity, improve aerobic capacity, and also contribute greatly to the healthy development of muscles and bones in children and adolescents with mental retardation.In addition, it can promote cognitive development; second, regularly monitor indicators such as body weight and blood pressure of children and adolescents with mental retardation to prevent the risk of overweight and hypertension; and third, increase muscle resistance training to enhance muscle strength and endurance.Help to improve the performance of their movements; fourth, focus on flexibility training, improve the status quo of joint stiffness.
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