本文选题:2016年美网 + 前四名 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Service receiving technology is one of the basic tennis technology, is a passive technology in tennis, but also one of the most difficult to master technology, with the continuous improvement of service technology of athletes, receiving service technology has been paid more and more attention. In order to win a game, you need not only first-rate forehand, backhand skills, serve skills, but also excellent service skills. Once the service is successful, the reception affects the direction of a point. Only when the service is successful can there be the following second, third, and scoring chances. In a game, including the serve and reception, each game, each player to ensure the success of the service while trying to break the other side of the serve, can be passive into active. Therefore, effective receiving techniques and tactics are the key to win the match. This paper applies the methods of literature, video observation, mathematical statistics, logic analysis and interview to Korbel, Puliskova, etc. Serena Williams and Wozniacki four players in the 2016 US Open singles match received the ball stage of the technical and tactical use of research, through the four players to receive the ball preparation posture, stand, return to the ball drop, return to the ball, In order to provide a certain theoretical basis and practical guidance for the technical and tactical progress of the reserve female tennis players in China, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. Four players are usually on the bottom line and the edge of the single, Korbel is a little bit behind, and the other three take a small step forward, except Korbel and the next stop. When the opponent threw the ball, the four players quickly lifted their weight and prepared to move to hit. 2. The four players' receiving and returning service, whether after one or two, is a large proportion of the utilization rate of the draw, and the utilization rate of each player is much higher than that of his or her own one. 3. Korbel and Ploiskova's backhand usage rates were higher than forehand usage rates; Serena Williams' overall head-backhand usage rate was half; and Wozniacki's overall backhand usage rate was higher than forehand usage rate .4. The second direct scoring rate and the second direct scoring rate were not high, and Williams and Wozniacki's second direct scoring rate was higher than that of the second direct scoring rate. The direct loss rate of the four athletes was lower than that of the next. 6. Four players followed by one and two of the return routes, are the most back to the middle, followed by the diagonal, and finally straight back to the ball route. 7. For different serve angles, Korbel, Wozniacki and Ploiskova followed by the first and second shots of the combined return point midfield ball, followed by the backcourt ball, and finally the ball in the front court; Serena Williams received the ball with the most deep shots, followed by midfield, and finally the front-court ball.
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