本文选题:少儿 + 不同地面 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As one of the important constitution of physical quality, the development level of fast strength is of great significance to the improvement of sports ability. Walking, running, jumping and throwing in almost every item on the sports ground requires the sportsman to have a higher ability of fast strength. Therefore, the research on fast strength training has been a hot issue in strength training for many years. Childhood and adolescence are sensitive periods for the natural growth of rapid strength, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort. The combination of rapid expansion and expansion combined the speed quality and strength quality of the body, which has been widely recognized at home and abroad. However, there are few researches on the interface of lower extremity rapid stretching composite exercises, and because of the special physiological characteristics of bones and muscles in childhood and adolescence, it is still open to question what kind of ground should be chosen for rapid stretching composite exercises. Therefore, in this study, children and adolescents aged 11-13 years were selected as the research objects. On the basis of consulting literature, interviewing experts and taking different contact interfaces as the starting point, the subjects were divided into control group. Group A and group B were tested. Control group (artificial lawn) exercise, experimental group A for sand practice, experimental group B for sand, hard ground combination exercise, and the results of statistical analysis of the experimental results, finally reached the following conclusions: 1. After the experiment, the free longitudinal jump, standing long jump, standing triple jump and 30-meter race in the hard ground training group were higher than those in the hard ground group and sandy land group, and there were significant differences. It can be seen that compared with the simple sand and hard ground exercises, the combination of hard ground surface rapid stretching composite exercises can effectively improve the lower extremity rapid strength of children and adolescents. 2. Compared with the hard grassland, the softness of the sandy land prolongs the muscle lengthening and shortens the period, weakens the effect of the fast stretching compound exercise, and the test results of this group are obviously lower than that of the hard ground exercise group after the experiment. This proved to some extent the importance of treadmill speed in children and adolescents in the rapid expansion of the lower limb composite exercise. 3. Compared with hard ground exercise and combination exercise, it is more advantageous to improve the lower extremity rapid strength in the short term by the combined exercise of rapid expansion of sand surface, and sand exercise can improve the concentric contraction ability of extensor muscle of lower extremity. 4. Under the condition of hard ground, sand or sand, the combination of hard ground for 3 weeks or 6 weeks of rapid stretching compound exercise can not significantly improve the lower limb rapid strength of children and adolescents.
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