本文选题:竞技健美操 + 实力格局 ; 参考:《西安体育学院学报》2017年06期
[Abstract]:After implementing the new rules for the 2013-2016 cycle, the world pattern of competitive aerobics has changed significantly. Based on the results of aerobics world championships from 2006 to 2016, this paper discusses the evolution of the world aerobics strength pattern in the past three cycles by using the methods of literature, expert interview and mathematical statistics. The position and status of the Chinese aerobics team in the world pattern are analyzed, and the evolution process of the world aerobics strength pattern and the reasons for the change are analyzed. Through the study of the influence of gender difference on project development and the significance of three different scores on the final achievement, this paper analyzes the causes of the Chinese aerobics team sinking and floating in the evolution of its strength, tracing back the history and analyzing the trend. The research shows that the evolution of the strength pattern of the world competitive aerobics is that the monopoly of a few countries has been broken, the participating countries and the countries with the strength to reach the finals have gradually increased the number of medal winning teams. Some countries with weak comprehensive strength of aerobics take the single event as the breakthrough point and obtain the direction of gold medal development; the three-person and collective gymnastics events with the participation of female athletes have a certain advantage over the all-male athletes in the difficulty score of the complete sets of movements. But this is not the developing direction of competitive aerobics. Based on the research results, this paper puts forward its enlightenment to the development of Chinese competitive aerobics.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学体育与健康学院;华东师范大学第二附属中学附属初级中学体育组;北京大学体育教研部;山东师范大学体育学院;苏州大学体育学院;
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