本文选题:网球 + 混合双打 ; 参考:《成都体育学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Tennis mixed doubles is a combination of a male athlete and a female athlete. After watching eight games in the 2013-2017 Australian Open, 2013 / 2014, 2016 US Open mixed doubles final, this paper uses 18 sets 152 innings as the statistical object. The technique and tactics of mixed doubles athletes are counted to get the most detailed first-hand information and reflect the situation of the match. And use the relevant data analysis method to study the technical and tactical application ability of mixed doubles. This paper analyzes the characteristics of the techniques and tactics used in serving and receiving serve in mixed doubles, the first four shots and the phase of holding, and draws a conclusion that the stronger the technical and tactical application ability of the first four shots is, Can occupy more of the initiative. 2) serving at a large angle is the preferred active offensive weapon for the players in the competition. (3) when using the Australian way of standing, it is mainly to serve the other female athletes. 4) the athletes control the landing point and the angle of the serve. With the advantage of serve, use the advantage of serving to make an effective volley and high-pressure volley with the ball. 5) the main technique for receiving the serve is to block the ball and draw the ball. 6) the men's players shoot in front of the net, the score of the high-pressure ball is higher than that of the woman, and the bottom line is hit. The number of female forehand batting is higher than that of male. 7) male athletes actively use the Internet to play volley ball, and score more than 8%) male. The scoring rate of female athletes on high-pressure ball is higher than that of men, and the scoring rate of backhand women is lower than that of men. After studying the actual combat situation of the athletes from both sides in the mixed doubles competition, and analyzing their respective techniques and tactics, the following suggestions are put forward: 1) Men should handle the net-front ball as quickly as possible with the shortest time and the quickest speed, so as to avoid overshooting. Strengthening the skills and tactics of the first four beats in mixed doubles, the athletes occupy more initiative. 2) the players choose the outer serve more. 3) the men improve the winning rate of the other men's serve. Women reduce their own service error rate. 4) male athletes enhance the ability to receive the other man serve, women athletes in the usual service training, improve the difficulty of receiving the serve, reduce the men in the game to serve vigorously lost points.
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