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发布时间:2018-06-29 07:33

  本文选题:儿童 + 青少年 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:研究目的:通过探讨北京市海淀区6-15岁健康少儿随着年龄增加足底压力分布各指标和体成分各指标的发育变化规律。为今后研究儿童体成分和足底压力生长发育的动态变化积累数据,为指导健康少儿营养状况和保健措施提供参考依据。研究方法:采用随机抽样方法使用DST-600全自动身高体重测量仪、footscan压力分布测试系统和DBA-550多频生物电阻抗人体成分分析仪采集6-15岁1100名健康少儿健康健康少儿自然行走时的体成分和足底压力指标,按实际年龄分为10组,其中男469人,女401人,共870人。采用双因素方差分析年龄、性别对足底压力和体成分各指标的影响,以单因素方差分析足底压力和体成分各指标年龄间差异,以独立样本t检验分析足底压力和体成分各指标性别差异,采用英国伦敦大学Cole TJ教授发明的LMS chartmaker软件建立足底压力和体成分各指标变化的国际上公认生长曲线图[7-8],p0.05为有显著性意义。研究结果:随年龄增加,健康少儿随年龄增加BMI8、10、12、14、15岁增加。男健康少儿相对总水分8岁减少,13岁增加。相对蛋白质8岁减少,13-14岁增加。相对无机盐10岁减少,13岁增加。相对去脂体重8岁减少,13、15岁增加。相对体脂肪8岁增加,13、15岁减少。内脏脂肪面积10、12、15岁增加。而女健康少儿相对总水分10-13岁减少,相对蛋白质10、13岁减少。相对无机盐13岁减少。相对去脂体重10岁减少,13岁减少。相对体脂肪10、13岁增加。内脏脂肪面积10、13、14岁增加。(p0.05)。6-15岁健康少儿体成分指标存在显著性别差异。健康少儿峰值压强8岁时足前掌和足跟内侧区增加,11岁足前掌和第一足趾区增加,12岁第一足趾区增加,足前掌外侧减少,13岁足跟内侧增加,15岁足跟内侧增加。男健康少儿12岁足跟外侧增加,13岁足跟外侧减少,15岁足跟外侧增加。女健康少儿10岁足跟内侧增加,13岁足跟外侧增加。健康少儿相对峰值压力8岁时足跟区增加,10岁足跟内侧、足趾区减少,11岁第一足趾区增加,12岁足弓区减少,13岁足跟外侧增加,14岁足跟内侧区减少,第一足趾区增加。健康少儿相对接触面积7岁足前掌外侧减少,8岁足跟区、足前掌内侧和足趾区外侧增加,足前掌外侧减少,9岁足前掌减少,10岁足趾区减少,足前掌内侧增加,11岁足趾区和足跟区增加,足前掌内侧减少,12岁足趾区和足弓区减少,足前掌区增加。15岁足趾和足前掌内侧增加,足趾外侧减少。(p0.05)。6-15岁健康少儿足底压力指标存在显著性别差异。研究结论:本研究说明年龄和性别对健康健康少儿体成分各指标、足底压力各指标皆有影响,并且在不同阶段有所不同。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the developmental changes of plantar pressure distribution and body composition of healthy children aged 6 to 15 years old in Haidian District of Beijing. In order to study the dynamic changes of body composition and plantar pressure growth and development of children in the future, and provide reference basis for guiding the nutritional status of healthy children and health care measures. Methods: using DST-600 automatic height and weight measuring instrument and DBA-550 multifrequency bioelectrical impedance anthropometric analyzer, 1100 healthy children aged 6 to 15 years were collected by random sampling method, using foot scan pressure distribution test system and DBA-550 multifrequency bioelectrical impedance anthropometric analyzer. Walking body composition and plantar pressure index, They were divided into 10 groups according to actual age, including 469 males and 401 females, with a total of 870. The influence of age and sex on plantar pressure and body composition was analyzed by double factor ANOVA, and the age differences of plantar pressure and body composition were analyzed by univariate ANOVA. The gender differences of plantar pressure and body composition were analyzed by independent t-test. By using LMS chartmaker software developed by Professor Cole TJ of University of London, England, the internationally recognized growth curve [7-8] p0.05 for the changes of plantar pressure and body composition is significant. Results: with age, BMI8, BMI8, 10, 12, 14 and 15 years of age increased. Male healthy children decreased by 13 years of age relative to total moisture at 8 years old. Relative protein decreased in age of 8 years and increased in age of 13-14 years. Relative inorganic salts decreased at 10 years old and increased by 13 years. Relative fat-free body weight decreased at 8 years old and increased by 13-15 years. Relative body fat increased in age 8 and decreased in age 13 to 15. Visceral fat area increased from 10 to 12 to 15 years old. The relative total moisture of female healthy children decreased at 10-13 years old, and the relative protein decreased at 10-13 years old. Relative inorganic salt decreases at 13 years of age. Relative degreasing weight decreased by 10 years old and decreased by 13 years. Relative body fat increased at the age of 10 to 13 years. The visceral fat area increased from 10 to 13 to 14 years old. (p0.05). There was significant gender difference in body composition of healthy children aged 6-15 years. At the age of 8 years, the anterior palmar and medial calcaneal area increased in the healthy young children, and the anterior palmar and the first toe area increased at the age of 11 years, and the first toe area increased at the age of 12 years, while the medial calcaneal area increased at the age of 13 years and the medial calcaneal area increased at the age of 13 years. Male 12-year-old calcaneal increase, 13-year-old lateral calcaneal decrease and 15-year-old lateral calcaneal increase. The medial calcaneal increase of 10-year-old female healthy children and the lateral increase of 13-year-old heel. The calcaneal area increased at the age of 8 and the first toe area increased in the first toe area at the age of 11. The lateral calcaneal area increased at the age of 13 and the medial calcaneal area decreased at the age of 14 and the first toe area increased at the age of 14. The relative contact area of the healthy children was decreased at the age of 7 years, the heel area was decreased at the age of 8 years, the medial anterior palmar area and the lateral area of the toe area increased, the anterolateral palmar area of the foot decreased and the anterior palmar area decreased at the age of 9 years and the toe area decreased at the age of 10 years. The anterior metacarpal area of foot increased at 11 years of age, the area of toe and heel of 11 years old increased, the medial area of anterior palmar of foot decreased and the area of toe and arch of 12 years old decreased, the area of anterior metacarpal area of foot increased at the age of .15 years old, and the medial area of anterior palmar of foot increased. (p0.05). There was significant gender difference in plantar pressure index in healthy children aged 6-15 years. Conclusion: this study shows that age and sex have influence on the indexes of body composition and plantar pressure of healthy children, and are different in different stages.


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