本文选题:足球守门员预判 + 眼动指标 ; 参考:《成都体育学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The defensive penalty kick is a highly strategic situation in football. The ball is fast and the time of the ball is short in the penalty kick. The goalkeeper should analyze and judge the opponent's intentions when the ball is defended. On the basis of the correct judgment, it can effectively use his own technology and tactics. The judge's reaction to the tactical intention is to search the visual information. So far, most of the researchers have stayed in the analysis of the athletes' visual search patterns and the external features of the eye movement. There are few studies on the internal processing process and the related neural mechanisms of the athletes. Therefore, 10 goalkeepers and 10 goalkeepers in football majors are studied in this study. The research subjects, using the new and expert paradigm, take the action video of the penalty kick of the football player as the experimental material, and use the linkage experiment between the eye movement instrument and the ERP. The cognitive processing process and the cognitive mechanism are further explored in the study of the goalkeeper's eye movement. The visual search process combined with analysis to fully understand the cognitive processing advantages of excellent athletes in the pre judgment process. The results are as follows: (1) the response time of the expert group goalkeeper is longer than the novice goalkeeper, and the correct rate of reaction is higher than the novice goalkeeper. (2) the gaze point of the expert group goalkeeper is more than the novice goalkeeper. The duration is shorter than the novice group, the total fixation time is longer than the novice group. The main interest area of the expert group goalkeeper is the support foot and the kick foot (3) expert group in CP2, and the N1 latency of the expert group Cz is shorter than the novice group, and the significant level of.N1 wave amplitude is significantly different at Fz, FC1, Cz, FC2, and the amplitude of the expert group is greater than that of the novice group. (4) two The P2 amplitude of the group was significantly different at Fz, FC1, Cz and FC2. (5) the amplitude of the expert group at Fz, FC1, CP1 and FC2 was greater than the novice group, and the difference reached a significant level. (6) the expert group was larger than the novice group in Pz, Oz and Cz, and the difference reached a significant level. (1) the following conclusions were drawn: (1) the expert group goalkeeper judged the correct rate of ball direction by the goalkeeper. In the advantage (2), the goalkeeper of the expert group has some advantages in the visual search mode. The goalkeeper's search mode: the gazing point is more, the total fixation time is long, the duration of the gaze is shorter, the source area of the information is mainly the supporting foot and the kick foot, the fixation track is simple, and the effective information is extracted from the observation of the effective parts. The trajectory is simple. (3) the visual search and cognitive processing of the expert group goalkeeper have previous special knowledge and experience as the guide. (4) in the visual search period, the expert group goalkeeper invested less psychological resources to match the early information and the cognition in the memory. (5) the goalkeeper of the expert group The perceptual analysis is based on the analysis of effective information, while the novice goalkeeper is based on the processing of the information that is not intended for the purpose of search and speculation. (6) the expert group is expected to be prepared to respond to a penalty kick in the face of a penalty kick in the face of a penalty kick in the face of a penalty kick.
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