[Abstract]:On the basis of Russian constitution, law and sports development outline, and based on official documents and data, this paper summarizes and analyzes the three basic characteristics of the Russian state-dominated sports management mode: the constitution-based state sports regulation system. The national sports management system, headed by the federal president, and the national sports finance system based on budget guarantee. This paper summarizes the Russian national sports values, discusses the relationship between the national sports values and the national sports management model, and further expounds the enlightenment obtained from the study of the Russian state sports management model. First of all, the establishment of advanced national sports value concept is the basis of establishing modern sports management model, and the core of national sports value concept is "who is sports". In addition, mass sports is a very important aspect of a country's social policy, which reflects the direction and essence of national social policy.
【作者单位】: 河北体育学院;
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