[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the effect of pile work internal movement training on Wushu quick start (caving fist) by using experiment method. Methods: ten Wushu athletes were randomly divided into two groups: experimental group and control group. The experimental group was trained with internal movement of pile work, while the control group was not trained with systematic lower limb training. (Motion Analysis Raptor-4, a high-speed infrared motion capture system with Kistler 9281CA Switzerland lens, was used to test the fast start of Chinese Wushu. The catapult movement of Chinese Wushu's representative boxing was selected as the content of the test. The dynamic and kinematic indexes were compared and analyzed before and after, and the contrast analysis was carried out between the experimental group and the control group, and the influence of pile work internal movement training on the rapid starting movement of Wushu was verified by statistical test. Results: the maximum velocity and acceleration of the center of gravity and the maximum strength of the lower limbs were increased by the internal exercise of pile work. The internal exercise of pile work could make the gastrocnemius muscle and the soleus muscle get the corresponding exercise. Triceps of the calf plays an important role in the fast starting of the ground. Conclusion\%\ It is suggested that the follow-on study should be carried out on the influence of the in-training of synchronous pile work on the impact of hitting effect. 2. The following research should be carried out to compare the relevant training methods, such as rope skipping and heel lifting, etc. 3 it is suggested that the following study can measure the changes of EEG and respiration during the training of post work, and that the training of internal movement of 4 posts can be applied to the training of other sports, but different pile potential should be selected according to the characteristics of different sports.
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