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发布时间:2018-08-02 08:46
[Abstract]:In order to carry out the national strategic plan of "encouraging and supporting the development of some brand competitions", to further perfect the competition system of CBA league matches, to promote the overall level of competitive basketball in China and all of Asia, and to use literature research and expert interviews, Video observation and other methods are used to study the special policy of "three foreign aid" in CBA league. The results show that: (1) the policy of "three foreign aid" has gone through the prohibition of use, the use of the "three foreign aid", Reducing the use of three stages; (2) the "three foreign aid" policy after Sichuan won the championship in 2015-2016 has become the focus of public opinion, mainly including: restricting domestic players, creating an impact on the traditional strong teams and midstream teams, and generally declining the results after losing their qualifications. (3) the "three foreign aid" policy rational examination results: is only a possible factor to improve the ranking, is an important embodiment of the professionalization of the CBA league, is an important innovation to make up for the failure of the draft selection system at the present stage; A number of domestic star players have emerged; it is conducive to the overall improvement of the level of Asian competitive basketball; it is the proper way to seize the Asian market. (4) the reform of the "three foreign aid" policy should coordinate the fair competition, the training of internal staff, and foreign aid from Europe and the United States. The relationship between clubs' different demands and Asian foreign aid. The research suggests: "three foreign aid" policy regular season and playoff classification implementation; adjusts the Asian foreign aid to play the section; the reform gives up the Asian foreign aid qualification to use the team the European and American foreign aid use method; newly enters the team special implementation; No longer reduce the number of existing "three foreign aid" teams.
【作者单位】: 滨州学院体育学院;北京体育大学;


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