[Abstract]:As the new age product of the ancient rope skipping movement in China, the figure skipping project is the product of the new era of the rope skipping movement in China. In order to fully excavate the cultural details of the project, we need to use modern new ways to carry out packaging and innovation, broaden the way, spread widely, let more people know and understand, and eventually love and spread by step by step, this will be the promotion of fancy rope skipping. The research uses literature, comparative research, analysis, observation and logical analysis. It collects a lot of relevant literature and makes a detailed analysis and combing. It basically understands the related research on this subject in the academic field. It is replaced by the culture of domestic Wushu and the NBA culture of foreign countries. On the basis of the sports symbol culture of the table, it compares and draws lessons from the actual conditions of the culture of pattern skipping rope. At the beginning of the study, through participating in various events of pattern jumping rope, we observe and understand the field contact, carry on the understanding and summary of the training and competition, so as to study the significance of this paper. There are two main aspects in the study of pattern jump rope sign. One is culture. In this paper, the best location of the project is sought and determined with the help of the principle of brand positioning. Analysis and discussion. Two is the analysis of the content of the popular intelligent APP software LOOP and the official website of the representative figure skipping rope, so as to theoretically explore the design points of the pattern skipping network teaching course, which is convenient for the masses to learn and search information. It uses symbol to pack its culture, and combines cultural tourism industry, interacts with each other, and explores and excavate the unique symbol culture of the pattern skipping project. This paper mainly uses the theory of semiotics to study the whole text on the basis of semiotics and combine the related methods. The following conclusions are made: 1. semiotics is to look at objects through the visual angle of symbols and pursue the intrinsic meaning of things. The symbol is a certain time limitation and use and transmission to express the meaning and value of the words. The senses are divided into auditory symbols, visual symbols, tactile symbols, the body sense symbols and comprehensive sensory symbols, and they have patterns of rope skipping. The function and significance of cultural symbol and cultural communication.2. symbol is the carrier of the cultural display of pattern jumping rope. The cultural carrier of the symbol is beneficial to the systematic excavation of the cultural connotation and characteristics of the pattern skipping project. Through the multi angle positioning of the project, the author uses the clue of symbol culture to series the culture of the pattern jump rope, through the ability to refer to the culture of the figure skipping rope. To show the meaning behind it, and to explain the symbolic cultural level of the pattern jump rope, the way of presentation and the field of presentation, and the cultural carrier.3. symbol of the symbol is the media of the culture of the pattern jump rope. The cultural transmission of the symbol is beneficial to create a distinct project personality and expand the participation of the audience. An analysis of the teaching advantages of multimedia technology and network in the information age is made to explain the process of the transfer of cultural symbols in pattern jumping rope. It is of great significance for expanding and spreading pattern skipping projects. It is a manifestation of symbolic communication that.4. uses semiotics to make the related culture and the subject to be perfected to be scientifically and systematized. It can be combed with the systematicness of semiotics to run through a path of cultural construction of symbolic operation, and constantly excavate its own characteristics in the integration and mutual assistance of multi industry, and continue to inherit it for a long time.
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