[Abstract]:The sports ground provides the behavior space for the competitive sports and the national fitness movement, is the material carrier which the country popularizes "Olympic Games winning honor plan", "the national fitness plan" as well as the sports enterprise development. The construction of sports venues is directly related to the sustainable and healthy development of competitive sports and national fitness activities in China. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, especially after the reform and opening up, the construction of sports venues in China has been unprecedented development. Its development directly affects the sustainable development of school sports, mass sports and competitive sports. In order to accurately grasp the overall situation of the development of sports venues and further serve the cause of sports in China, the relevant departments of the State General Administration of Sports have carried out six nationwide surveys of sports venues. Relying on the comprehensive development of the sixth National General Survey of Sports venues, this study is based on the data of the sixth General Survey of Sports venues in Hongshan District of Wuhan City, and at the same time, it extensively absorbs documents and carries out field investigations. By using various research methods such as expert interview and mathematical statistics, this paper analyzes and discusses the present situation of the sports venues in Hongshan District of Wuhan City and the factors that affect the development of the sports venues in Hongshan District of Wuhan City. It is found that the main deficiencies in the development of Hongshan sports venues are: the total number of existing sports venues is relatively small, the development between urban and rural areas is not balanced, there are more non-standard sports venues, and the management of sports venues is not scientific. The opening rate and utilization rate of sports venues are generally low, and the new sports venues are relatively lacking. In view of the deficiencies in the development of Hongshan sports venues, the following countermeasures are put forward: first, cultivating correct sports values and emphasizing the importance of speeding up the development of sports venues in colleges and universities to the sports cause of the whole district. Second, handle the relationship between the opening of sports venues and opening to the inside, and strive to improve the utilization rate of sports venues. Third, adopt high-efficiency management mode to improve the management level of all kinds of sports venues. Fourth, the establishment of special funds for the development of sports venues to support social forces to build sports venues. Fifth, protect the existing sports venues and invest in the construction of new sports facilities. Sixth, give play to the guiding role of the policy, focus on the development of school sports venues and rural sports venues. Seventh, increase the diversification of sports investment and build high-quality sports venues. Eighth, strengthen the construction of legal system and bring the construction of sports venues into the track of legalization.
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