[Abstract]:In recent years, the gap of Chinese gymnastic reserve talents makes the Chinese gymnastics once brilliant era encountering a lot of troubles, the sudden British gymnastics broke out in the Olympic Games, gave us a lot of inspiration. This paper uses the methods of literature, expert interview, field investigation and comparative analysis to make a comparative study on Chinese and English gymnastics, including competitive gymnastics module, school gymnastics module, and so on. Starting with several modules, such as club gymnastics module and community gymnastics module, combining with the brief history of Chinese and English gymnastics development, policies and current development environment, the causes of strength level of gymnastics, the management mode and education mode of gymnastics between China and Britain, This paper probes into the development mode of club and community gymnastics, compares the similarities and differences of the development of Chinese and English gymnastics, draws on each other's shortcomings, and provides reference materials for the reform and development of Chinese gymnastics. The basic conclusion of the study is as follows: 1. Chinese gymnastics is in charge of the gymnastic management center of the State Sports Administration, and local sports functional departments and sports schools at all levels complete the allocation of resources. With the year-by-year reform, sports are pushed to the market, but the utilization of social resources shows a slight disadvantage. British gymnastics is managed jointly by governmental and non-governmental organizations, which effectively stimulates the rational allocation of social resources and the participation of the public. The Chinese school gymnastic module develops slowly and is difficult to popularize, and the popularization rate is very low. The British school gymnastics module develops well, can popularize the gymnastics knowledge according to the national curriculum standard, cultivate the gymnastics interest and explore the gymnastics potential .3. although the development of the club gymnastics module in China is relatively slow, But at present, the children's happy gymnastics has been carried out effectively, and has made a better model for cultivating the children's gymnastics interest and skill. The British Club Gymnastics Module further strengthens and improves the level of participation in gymnastics, various clubs provide opportunities for different age groups. The Chinese Community Gymnastics Module is a self-organized amateur individual or group activity. The British Community Gymnastics Module is developed in the form of clubs, training camps and other activities to enable community residents to acquire gymnastics knowledge and skills and to improve their health level. The development of gymnastics in China depends on an independent training system. Attach importance to the development of competitive gymnastics module, gymnastics popularity rate is low. The development of British gymnastics takes the gymnastics club as the basic unit and combines various types of training camps, organically unifying the competitive gymnastics module, the school gymnastics module, the community gymnastics module and the club gymnastics module into a whole. To improve the popularity of British gymnastics and competitive level has a remarkable contribution.
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