[Abstract]:An important aspect of the requirement of "scientific legislation" in the new 16-character policy of ruling by law in the revision of the Sports Law is to carry out a scientific understanding and regular consideration of this kind of expression of will and creative activities. This paper makes rational thinking and theoretical answer to the key basic problems concerning the overall situation of the revision of the law. From the macro perspective of constructing legal order, establishing sports status, showing human nature and modernity, supporting legitimacy and validity, this paper discusses the basic purpose of amending law. Based on the legal system unification and policy coordination, the actual situation and sports demand, the reform foresight and maintain the stability, the essential declaration and the operation feasible and so on relations factor, puts forward the main principle which the revision law should adhere to; On the basis of analyzing the value concern of the current Sports Law and the focus of modern legal rights, it is clear that the law revision should be carried out to reconstruct the value and establish the fundamental orientation of sports rights protection.
【作者单位】: 天津体育学院社会体育与管理系;天津财经大学体训部;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金一般项目(10BTY022) 国家体育总局体育社会科学重点项目(1049SS07006)
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