[Abstract]:To explore the regulating effect of self-loss on state anxiety through one pre-test and two formal tests. The effects of different degrees of self-loss on self-control were tested by pre-test. The sequential task paradigm was used to achieve different levels of self-loss (high, medium, low, no) by controlling the duration of self-loss tasks. The longer the self-debilitating task lasts, the worse the performance on the subsequent self-control task. Experiment one examined the effect of self-loss on state anxiety and the regulatory effect of sustained attention cognitive task (Visual-CCPT). The participants completed the cognitive tasks of sustained attention under low and high state anxiety after completing the self-loss tasks for different duration. The results showed that state anxiety had a positive effect on the performance of cognitive tasks, and compared with low and no self-loss. The promotive effect of state anxiety was greater in participants with high self-loss. Experiment 2 examined the effect of self-loss on state anxiety. The results showed that state anxiety also promoted the performance of darts. But the self-loss regulation disappeared, probably because darts are less sensitive than cognitive tasks. The results suggest that state anxiety has a motivational effect, and individuals with a high degree of self-loss are more susceptible to the effect of motivation.
【作者单位】: 北京体育大学运动人体科学学院运动心理教研室;
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