[Abstract]:Volleyball spikes play a very important role in the game and are the main means of scoring. The success or failure of spiking can affect the morale of the game, is the key to win the game. Air shot is one of the most important links to finish the spike, so it is necessary to study it deeply. This research adopts the methods of literature, expert interview, test, mathematical statistics and so on, taking 6 volleyball main attackers of physical education specialty as the test object, and taking the air batting action as the research object. Using the methods of high speed photography and surface electromyography measurement, the kinematics and surface electromyography characteristics of the hitting stage, time and space in the time and space of strong attack and spiking are accurately obtained, thus revealing the basic laws and characteristics of the air batting action. It is helpful to understand the characteristics of force in air batting stage and the surface electromyography of muscles in each stage, and to provide a theoretical reference for the teaching and training of volleyball spiking in the future. The results show that: 1. In the stage of hitting in the air, the extension amplitude of the right knee joint is obviously larger than that of the left knee joint, while in the leading arm stage, the amplitude of the left and right hip extension is not different, and the amplitude of the right hip joint increases in the arm swing stage. 2. The angle displacement of the right shoulder and elbow joint is correlated with the central velocity of metacarpophalangeal joint, and the angle of the right shoulder joint is not sufficiently extended, and the angle of the right elbow joint does not reach the theoretical value. The completion time of the swing stroke stage is shorter than that of the leading arm stage. The shorter the time and total time of arm swing, the greater the center speed of the metacarpophalangeal joint and the faster the spike speed of the arm. 4. There is a positive correlation between the height of the center of gravity and the velocity of the center of the metacarpophalangeal joint, and between the closing speed of the body center of gravity and the velocity of the center of the metacarpophalangeal joint at the maximum moment of leading arm and the time of hitting. 5. The contribution rate of deltoid anterior bundle, biceps brachii muscle, vertical spinal muscle and trapezius muscle was larger than that of radial wrist extensor muscle, ventral oblique muscle, triceps brachii muscle and flexor Carpi radialis muscle. In arm swing stage, the muscle contribution rate of deltoid muscle anterior bundle, deltoid muscle posterior bundle, triceps brachii muscle was larger, and the contribution rate of pectoralis major muscle, ventral oblique muscle, trapezius muscle, vertical spinal muscle and flexor Carpi radialis muscle was small. 6. The discharge intensity of the anterior bundle of deltoid muscle was the largest in the whole air hitting stage, the intensity of the ventral oblique muscle and the flexor Carpi radialis muscle was the weakest. According to the conclusion of the recommendations: 1. It is suggested that athletes should strengthen coordination exercises of upper and lower limbs and enhance energy transmission through joint extension of knee joint. To improve the height of the batting point by increasing the spring force training method, to pay attention to strengthening the reasonableness of the swing stroke action practice, by increasing the angle of the shoulder and the elbow joint when spiking the ball, to produce a better batting effect. 2. It is suggested that the athletes should strengthen the special ability training of arm fast batting, so as to shorten the time of arm swing stage and the total time of air batting stage, and improve the quality of spiking. It is suggested that more advanced physical training methods should be adopted to increase the training of muscle with higher contribution rate, such as the anterior bundle of deltoid muscle, biceps brachii muscle, posterior bundle of deltoid muscle and rectus abdominis muscle, so as to enhance the ability of these muscles to participate in spiking. 4. It is suggested that the research methods, such as increasing kinetics, should be enriched in the future research. At the same time, it is suggested that the subjects should be grouped and compared according to their motor grade, height and weight, so as to analyze the sports grade more deeply. The effects of height and weight on the biomechanical characteristics of volleyballers in position 4 attack and spiking in the air.
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