[Abstract]:By means of questionnaire survey, this paper analyzes the establishment of sports service specialty in higher vocational colleges of physical education in China. It is pointed out that although the running scale of sports vocational colleges in China is continuously expanding, the expansion of enrollment is still far from fully meeting the needs of talents for the development of sports service industry. At present, the demand for technical and skilled personnel in sports service industry does not match with the professional setting in vocational colleges and universities. It is suggested that vocational colleges and universities should establish the integrated system of sports vocational education for sports service related majors, conform to the development trend of sports service industry, establish the dynamic elastic mechanism of specialty setting, and set up the dynamic elastic mechanism of specialty setting. Strengthen the existing social sports, sports operation and management, sports health care and rehabilitation and other professional construction in line with the social needs of sports services, according to the new development trend of sports services, add ice and snow, football, sports and other new majors; We should attach great importance to improving the innovation and entrepreneurial quality of sports service personnel.
【作者单位】: 福建体育职业技术学院公共基础课教学部;
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