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发布时间:2019-06-19 18:59
[Abstract]:By using the method of literature, this paper combs and studies the source, characteristics, practice and social influence of Shangshumei's people's sports thought. The main conclusion: Shang Shumei is the main advocate of modern people's sports in our country, and his public sports thought is deeply influenced and influenced by Yuan Dunli's sports thought. During his professional work in physical education, he began to form his own unique concept of public sports implementation. He advocated that public sports should be carried out from school to society and expanded from students to the public; that sports should promote the development of individual body, improve personal accomplishment and strengthen social adaptation; he pointed out that the essence of public sports should not deviate from the scope of education, and sports competition is the means to promote the development of sports. He is committed to changing the people's concept and understanding of sports, paying attention to the design and selection of teaching materials suitable for the needs of people's sports, and actively exploring diversified methods of public sports management, in order to strive for people from all walks of life to participate in equal sports activities. Shang Shumei's thought of public sports provides the basis and example for the improvement and development of social mass sports in the later period, and still has certain reference significance for popularizing the sports of the whole people in our country at the present stage.
【作者单位】: 石河子大学体育学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金项目(14CTY012) 教育部人文社会科学基金项目(13YJC890036)


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