[Abstract]:Objective: To study the response of exercise behavior and related control factors of exposed mice in the environment of natural low temperature and rain and snow, and to provide the experimental basis for the research on how to carry out the operation protection in the extreme environment. Methods: Forty eight-week-old healthy Kunming male mice were selected, and the mice were randomly divided into 4 groups: a quiet control group, a motion control group, a quiet experimental group and a motion experimental group under the environment of room temperature. The experimental group and the quiet experimental group were exposed to a cold and snow-frozen natural environment for 1 hour each day. The experimental group and the exercise control group were used to screen and coat the exposed 1,3,5,7 days to reflect the changes of muscle strength and coordination ability of the mice. The experiment of the tail-tail was done in 2,4 and 6 days to reflect the changes of the mood of the mice. At 7 days, the experimental group and the quiet control group were killed immediately. The experimental group and the exercise control group were sacrificed after the last experiment and after the exhaustive swimming test (reflecting the desire and remaining physical ability of the mice). The whole brain and skeletal muscle were reserved for each group of mice. The activity of ACh E and the content of IL-16 in skeletal muscle and brain of mice were detected. Results: (1) Mouse exercise response: (1) Screen experiment: The sliding time of the moving experimental group was shorter than that of the control group, and the sliding time was longer than that of the control group at 5 days, and the sliding time at 7 days was the shortest. The sliding time of the control group was increased at 3,5 and 7 days. (2) The experiment of the coat hanger: Compared with the exercise control group, the score of the motion experimental group was small and the score increased at 5 days, and the score of 7 days decreased. (3) Suspension tail experiment: Compared with the exercise control group, the struggle time of the moving experimental group was short, and the struggle time decreased with the number of exposure days. (4) Exhaustive swimming test: Compared with the exercise control group, the swimming time of the exercise group is larger than that of the control group, but the swimming time is short. (2) Relevant regulatory factors: (1) the activity of ACh E in the effect organ: Compared with the control group, the activity of ACh E in the skeletal muscle of the exercise control group was lower; and the activity of ACh E in the skeletal muscle of the experimental group was lower than that of the experimental group. (2) The activity of ACh E in the brain of the mice was higher than that of the control group. The activity of ACh E in the experimental group was lower than that of the control group, and the activity of ACh E in the brain of the experimental group was lower than that of the experimental group. (3) The content of IL-16 in the brain of the control group was lower than that of the control group, the content of IL-16 in the brain of the experimental group was lower than that of the control group, and the content of IL-16 in the brain of the experimental group was lower than that of the experimental group. Conclusion:1. In that low-temperature and snow-frozen environment, the mouse exercise behavior response: the muscle strength of the mouse is weakened, the coordination is reduced, the struggle time is short, the emotional response is reduced, and the escape desire in the first minute is enhanced in the swimming experiment, but the overall movement endurance is reduced. The changes of the control factors: The effect of low-temperature and snow-freezing environment on the activity of ACh E in the skeletal muscle of the mouse was not obvious, and the activity of ACh E in the skeletal muscle of the mouse was reduced by the exhaustive exercise. In that low-temperature and snow-freezing environment, the content of the excitatory neurotransmitter ACh in the brain of the mouse is reduced, the content of IL-16 in the brain of the mouse is reduced by the exhaustive exercise, the immune function of the mouse is reduced, and the decrease of the low-temperature snow and snow freezing environment is more obvious.
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