[Abstract]:The development of snowboarding events in China is limited by the short snow period caused by natural conditions, the shortage of training venues, the backward training means and the difficulty of one-sided pursuit of movements, which leads to the lack of solid basic technology of Chinese athletes and the difficulty of winning medals in the Winter Olympic Games through the bottleneck. With the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games eagerly looking forward to and responding to the national call for 300 million Chinese Olympic athletes to participate in ice and snow sports, the requirements for the competitive ability of snowboarding athletes are becoming more and more prominent, the overall development of snowboarding events and the winning of medals in potential advantages are becoming more and more important, and the popularization of basic technology of snowboarding enthusiasts is becoming more and more urgent. Therefore, it is particularly important to study and develop land training theories and methods suitable for athletes and mass skis. In this paper, the origin, development course, classification of technical movements and related theories of land training of snowboarding events are reviewed by using the method of literature and interview. At the same time, the related techniques of skidding ability and jumping ability in the basic technology of snowboarding are defined and described, and the two kinds of technical movements are selected as the evaluation indexes of the completion quality of snowboarding basic techniques. From the practical point of view, this paper analyzes and studies the methods and means of snowboarding land training in China at the present stage. Based on the relevant knowledge of sports training, this paper probes into the related problems of the land training theory of "human board integration" in snowboarding, and creates 15 sets of specific training methods, including 8 sets of land training methods of gliding technology and 7 sets of land training methods of jumping techniques. In addition, three sets of skidding techniques and three sets of jumping training methods were selected as the experimental research contents by using the experimental method, and the 24-week comparative experiment was carried out to sort out and analyze the pre-and post-test data of different training methods between the experimental group and the control group. Through the research, the following conclusions are drawn: first, the basic technical action of snowboarding is the core of skill training, and solid basic skills can make skis effectively use and give full play to their physical fitness, and at the same time make athletes more reasonable and actively participate in the combination and implementation of competitive tactics. Second, the integrated land training method of snowboarding has significant effect on skier's gliding ability and jumping ability. Third, the land training method of "integration of man and board" is highly closely related to the improvement of skier's technical action in snow period. Fourth, the land training method of "board integration" is not limited by natural conditions, site conditions and economic conditions, and has the characteristics of science, effectiveness and economy.
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