本文选题:初中生 + 家长参与 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:家长参与是指家长为子女的教育提供支持、帮助与引导,所提供的是子女可以切身感受到的,与其学业及教育相关的资源。主观幸福感是个体根据自定的标准对其生活质量的整体性评估,关系到个体对于自己的生活是否满意的评价,与其心理健康状况息息相关。初中阶段的学生处于青春初期,思想、行为不成熟,心理面貌极不稳定。这一时期的学生更需要在学校与家长的帮助下获得幸福感。那么,家长参与是否会影响初中生主观幸福感?有研究认为家长参与有助于提高子女的学业成绩,使其形成良好的学习态度和班级行为,对班级和学校气氛形成积极的感知,减少儿童和青少年的外化行为问题,提高出勤率,增强学生的幸福感体验。本研究目的在于分析初中生的家长参与、初中生的主观幸福感各自特点以及两者之间的关系。采用问卷调查的方法,对郑州地区550名初中生进行调查,,回收问卷后使用SPSS软件,进行T检验、方差分析、相关分析以及回归分析等统计方法分析数据,得出如下结论: (1)该市初中生的家长参与程度处在中等偏上水平。 (2)初中生感知的家长参与在家长文化程度以及学生性别、年级方面存在显著差异:其中,家长智力参与维度与家长参与总程度在家长参与主体的文化程度上存在显著差异,高中及中专文化程度家长的参与程度显著大于初中及以下文化程度家长的参与程度;家长智力参与维度在学生性别上存在显著差异,男同学的家长参与程度显著高于女同学;家长行为管理参与维度在学生年级上存在显著差异,初一年级与初二年级家长的参与程度均显著大于初三年级。 (3)初中生感知的家长参与程度在家长参与主体上存在显著差异。具体表现在父母共同参与的效果优于父母一方单独参与,父母共同或父母一方单独参与效果优于其他家长参与的效果。 (4)该地区初中生主观幸福感总得分高,处在相当满意的程度;友谊满意度、家庭满意度、学校满意度、自由满意度、环境满意度处在基本满意程度;学业满意度低于基本满意的程度;正性情感与负性情感处在平均水平。 (5)初中生的学校满意度与学业满意度存在年级差异,具体表现为:初一年级学生的学校满意度显著高于初二、初三年级;初三年级学生的学业满意度显著高于初二年级。 (6)初中生的主观幸福感在家长参与主体上存在显著差异。具体表现为:与其他家长参与相比较,父母共同或父母一方单独参与使子女获得更好的家庭满意度、自由满意度以及总体生活满意度;与其他家长参与以及父母一方单独参与相比较,父母共同参使子女获得更好的环境满意度。 (7)家长参与的总程度与主观幸福感的生活满意度及其包含的各个维度、正性情感都存在显著的正相关。 (8)家长参与能够预测初中生主观幸福感的程度。其中,家长参与总程度对于学校满意度有显著的预测作用;情感参与维度能够显著预测主观幸福感的友谊满意度、家庭满意度、学业满意度、环境满意度、总体生活满意度以及正性情绪等维度;情感参与维度与行为管理维度能够共同预测自由满意度。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to analyze the subjective well - being of 550 junior middle school students in Zhengzhou . The aim of this study is to analyze the students ' subjective well - being in the early stage of youth , to reduce the externalization behavior of children and adolescents , to improve the attendance rate and to enhance the students ' well - being experience .
( 1 ) The degree of parental involvement in junior middle school students in the city is at the middle level .
( 2 ) There are significant differences between parents ' participation in the degree of parental culture and the gender and grade of parents in junior middle school students .
There was a significant difference between parents ' intelligence participation in the students ' gender , and the degree of parental involvement was significantly higher than that of female students .
There are significant differences in parental behavior management participation dimensions in the students ' grade , and the degree of participation of parents in the first and second grades is significantly higher than that in the first grade .
( 3 ) The level of parental involvement in junior middle school students is significantly different from the parent ' s participation . The effect of parental participation is better than that of parents , and the effect of parental participation is better than that of other parents .
( 4 ) The total score of subjective well - being of junior middle school students in the region is high , which is quite satisfactory ;
Friendship satisfaction , family satisfaction , school satisfaction , freedom degree satisfaction and environmental satisfaction are basically satisfied .
The degree of academic satisfaction is lower than that of basic satisfaction ;
Positive and negative emotions are at the average .
( 5 ) There is a difference between school satisfaction and academic satisfaction in junior middle school students .
The student ' s degree of achievement in junior third grade is higher than that in junior year .
( 6 ) The subjective well - being of junior middle school students has significant difference in parents ' participation .
With the participation of other parents and the individual involvement of the parent , the parent ' s common reference enables the child to obtain better environmental satisfaction .
( 7 ) There is a significant positive correlation between the general degree of parental involvement and the life satisfaction of subjective well - being and the dimensions and positive emotions contained in the subjective well - being .
( 8 ) Parental involvement can predict the degree of subjective well - being of junior middle school students .
The emotion participation dimension can significantly predict the friendship satisfaction , family satisfaction , academic satisfaction , environmental satisfaction , overall life satisfaction and positive emotion in subjective well - being .
The dimension of emotion participation and the dimension of behavior management can predict the freedom degree .
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