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发布时间:2016-09-22 11:24



作者:程天君   2014年11月10日

[摘 要] 教育社会学研究解不开价值中立与价值关联的交织,没有彻底脱离价值判断的事实判断,,也没有彻底脱离事实判断的价值判断,纯粹的“事实学科论”与纯粹的“规范学科论”因而均显露合理性危机。从学科自立的角度看,教育社会学的学科性质必须是也只能是“事实学科论”(“事实与规范兼有学科论”亦显露合理性危机),但这又不可能。由此,教育社会学学科性质面临一个内在焦虑。价值中立与价值关联的交织产生教育社会学学科性质之主流取向抉择上的“一个或所有”式的结果:要么无所谓主流,要么就是“事实学科论”。在向着“事实学科论”目标迈进的方向与道路上,需要也只能保持“尽量的”价值中立和“最接近的”事实学科论的态度。

[关键词] 教育社会学;学科性质;价值中立;价值关联

[作者简介] 程天君,南京师范大学教育社会学研究中心副教授、博士 (南京 210097

The Interweavement between Value Neutrality and Value Relevance

——An Internal Anxiety in Disciplinary Nature of Sociology of Education

Cheng Tianjun

AbstractThe study of sociology of education can not evade the interweavement between value neutrality and value relevancy, which means there is no the fact-based judgment that completely separated from the value-based judgmentvice versa. As a result, reasonable crises have become visible both in the pure "fact discipline theory" and the pure "normative discipline theory. It is necessary to insist on the "fact discipline theory" in order to keep the academic nature and self-independence of sociology of education (so the reasonable crises of the fact combining normative discipline theoryalso appear), but it is impossible. Therefore, an internal anxiety occurs in the discipline nature of sociology of education. As for the pursuit of disciplinary nature of sociology of education, this interweavement brings about a one or all result, i.e., either no mainstream or just the fact discipline theory. In the process toward the fact discipline theory", we should and only can hold the attitude of the value neutrality as much as possible and the "fact discipline theory" as proximate as possible.

Key wordssociology of education, disciplinary nature, value neutrality, value relevancy

Author: Cheng Tianjun, Ph.D. and associate professor of Center for Sociology of Education, Nanjing Normal University (Nanjing 210097)





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