[Abstract]:Objective to understand the cognition and unhealthy eating behavior of female students with obesity in Guiyang, and to provide basis for health education. Methods A total of 1,736 female students aged 15 to 22 years old in Guiyang were investigated by stratified cluster sampling. Their height and weight were measured, and their knowledge of weight loss and diet were investigated. Results among the female students, 70.3 were normal, 25.1were malnourished, 5were overweight and obese. 48.2% of the female students did not know their body size correctly, and nearly 60% of the female students with normal body weight thought they needed to lose weight. More than 70% of the girls had a habit of overeating; milk, vegetables, fruits, meat and other eating conditions were not ideal; more than 90% of girls had the habit of eating snack and junk food. Conclusion the female students of 15 ~ 22 years old in Guiyang City have wrong cognition about weight loss, and their eating behavior is not ideal. Society, school and family should carry out propaganda and education on weight loss behavior and diet behavior to guide female college students to lose weight and eat correctly.
【作者单位】: 贵阳护理职业学院卫生管理系;贵阳医学院公共卫生学院;
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