[Abstract]:The implementation of network curriculum for middle school students is a weak link in the current research and practice of basic education informatization in China. With the support of Shanghai Minhang District Education Bureau and Ningbo Jiangdong Education Bureau Education Research and equipment Center, combined with China Eastern Airlines Shanghai Flight training Co., Ltd., "Video China" distance Education Development Center and other departments, learning and drawing lessons from the effective experience of MOOC design and implementation at home and abroad, in the autumn semester of 2014, a career planning network course "exploring occupation: aviation" was set up for middle school students in four regions. Taking this course as the object, this paper summarizes and analyzes a series of problems in the design, development and implementation of the network curriculum for middle school students by using the methods of literature research, development research, investigation and text analysis. It is found that the completion rate of the course is 8%, online learning is still on the edge in the project school, and middle school students encounter some problems in the process of online learning, such as slow network speed, insufficient time, unfamiliar with the online course platform and so on. The research suggestions are as follows: (1) to pay more attention to the digital learning of middle school students from the aspects of policy, system, social publicity, etc. (2) to improve the participation of SME and local teachers in learning support; (3) to explore the implementation mode of diversified mixed learning from simple online learning to the integration of school-based curriculum; (4) to adopt the content design of "gradient difference" according to the different characteristics and needs of junior high school students and senior high school students. (5) using the data accumulated by the network learning platform to carry out learning analysis to provide more individualized learning guidance for students.
【作者单位】: 河南大学河南省教育信息化发展研究中心;南京大学教育研究院;
【基金】:“河南省高等学校哲学社会科学创新团队支持计划”(项目编号:2015-CXTD-03) 河南省高等学校重点科研项目“河南省基础教育信息化发展关键指标与评估体系构建研究”(项目编号:15A880002)阶段性成果
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