[Abstract]:Humor has always been a hot topic for foreign scholars. The domestic research on humor style is still in its infancy, and the empirical research on humor style is even rarer. In recent years, with the rise of positive psychology, humor has been concerned by more and more researchers. Humor style, as an important factor of positive psychological quality, can alleviate individual psychological conflict, but not all humor is beneficial to individual physical and mental health. Therefore, correct understanding, appreciation, application and creation of humor is of great benefit to the promotion and improvement of individual subjective well-being. This study, taking college students as subjects, explores the characteristics of parental rearing style, humor style and subjective well-being of college students, as well as the deep relationship between them. In order to provide some theoretical basis and practical guidance for mental health education in colleges and universities. In this study, 903 students from three universities in Shijiazhuang City were investigated by using (EMBU), humor style scale (HSQ) and Zheng Xue's subjective Well-being scale, which were revised by Yue Dongmei et al. This paper probes into the general characteristics of parental rearing style, humor style and subjective well-being of college students and the relationship between them. The investigation data were processed by SPSS16.0 and AMOS4.0 software, including reliability and validity analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, multivariate variance analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The main results are as follows: 1 there are significant differences in parental rearing styles in gender, grade, family origin and only child. There are four dimensions of humor style, which are affinity humor, self-reinforcing humor, derogatory humor and derogatory humor. (3) there are significant differences in some demographic variables in humor style: there are significant differences in gender and only life style in affinity type, significant difference in grade in self-reinforcing humor style, and significant difference in derogatory humor style in gender. There were significant differences between grade and family source, and derogatory humor had significant interaction between gender and family origin. (4) the parental rearing style, humor style and subjective well-being of college students were significantly related to each other. The parental rearing style and humorous style of college students affect the subjective well-being of college students, and to some extent can predict the subjective well-being of college students.
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