[Abstract]:A person is a legend, a monument, an era, this is the common characteristics of many educators in the Republic of China. Without such true educationists, educators, education is no more than water without source. Wang Huiqiong, with a calm mind and an educational mission that benefits all people, combines traditional humanities education, arts and sports education, public welfare education, poverty alleviation education, and so on, to create and draw the complex of parents and children, education and society. With its unique situation of reform, it calls for the return of the mind. Firm and firm, intelligent and insightful. Bearing the dream of educating people, starting from scratch, showing profound thinking in the forest of education, outlook on life. Her sonorous ambition makes Shenzhen Longgang Tangkeng School win awards, her duty to hope that the son into a "dragon" into a "Phoenix" is no longer the slogan to promote the seedling.
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