发布时间:2021-04-25 17:27
【文章页数】:63 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background, Purposes and Content
1.2 Significance of the Study
1.3 Structure of the Study
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 General Introduction of Critical Thinking
2.1.1 Definition of Critical Thinking
2.1.2 Features of Critical Thinking
2.1.3 Dimensions of Critical Thinking
2.2 English Reading
2.2.1 Definition of Reading
2.2.2 English Reading Models
2.3 The Relationship between Critical Thinking and English Reading
2.4 Brief Review of Studies on Strategies of Developing Students' Critical ThinkingAbility in Reading Class Abroad and in China
2.4.1 Brief Review of Studies on Strategies of Developing Students' CriticalThinking Ability in Reading Class Abroad
2.4.2 Brief Review of Studies on Strategies of Developing Students' CriticalThinking Ability in Reading Class in China
Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Research Participants
3.3 Research Instruments
3.3.1 Questionnaires
3.3.2 Interview
3.4 Research Procedures
3.5 Data Collection and Analysis
3.5.1 Data Collection and Analysis of Questionnaire
3.5.2 Data Collection and Analysis of Interview
3.6 Findings
3.6.1 The Inadequacy of Developing Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in HighSchool English Reading Class
3.6.2 The Reasons for the Inadequacy of Developing Students’ Critical ThinkingAbility in High School English Reading Class
Chapter Four Application of Strategies of Developing Students’ Critical ThinkingAbility in High School English Reading class
4.1 Strategies of Developing Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in High SchoolEnglish Reading Class
4.1.1 Setting Development of Students’ Critical Thinking Ability as an ImportantTeaching Objective
4.1.2 Constructing a Democratic and Harmonious Relationship between Studentsand Teachers
4.1.3 Cultivating Students’ Independent Thinking through Scaffolding
4.1.4 Raising the Awareness of Students’ Questioning
4.1.5 Applying“3+1”Teaching Concept
4.2 Teaching Design Based on Strategies of Developing Students’ Critical ThinkingAbility in High School English Reading Class
4.2.1 Introduction to the Teaching Design
4.2.2 Reflection on the Design
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Implications
5.2 Limitations
[1]How do We Teach for Thinking in the Primary Classroom?[J]. 张艳红. 海外英语. 2013(06)
[2]Teaching Critical Reading in Chinese EFL Classrooms[J]. 田秀峰. 海外英语. 2012(16)
[3]中学英语进行有效性阅读教学的现状及意义[J]. 张丽颖. 学周刊. 2012(23)
[4]高中英语阅读教学现状分析及教学策略[J]. 于蔷. 延边教育学院学报. 2012(02)
[5]英语批判性阅读教学与学生批判性思维的培养[J]. 龚慧慧. 青年文学家. 2011(10)
[6]在英语阅读课堂开展批判性阅读训练[J]. 唐光洁. 西南大学学报(社会科学版). 2009(02)
[7]在英语教学中培养学生的创造性和批判性思维[J]. 占卫国,沈红霞. 黄冈职业技术学院学报. 2002(04)
[8]外语教学与学生创造性和批判性思维的培养[J]. 李瑞芳. 外语教学. 2002(05)
[9]“批判性思维”及其教学[J]. 钟启泉. 全球教育展望. 2002(01)
[10]批判性思维的结构、培养模式及存在的问题[J]. 罗清旭. 广西民族学院学报(自然科学版). 2001(03)
[1]批评性阅读理论指导下的高中英语阅读教学[D]. 陈卫国.南京师范大学 2008
[2]阅读教学与学生批判性思维能力的培养[D]. 韩孝实.山东师范大学 2008
【文章页数】:63 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background, Purposes and Content
1.2 Significance of the Study
1.3 Structure of the Study
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 General Introduction of Critical Thinking
2.1.1 Definition of Critical Thinking
2.1.2 Features of Critical Thinking
2.1.3 Dimensions of Critical Thinking
2.2 English Reading
2.2.1 Definition of Reading
2.2.2 English Reading Models
2.3 The Relationship between Critical Thinking and English Reading
2.4 Brief Review of Studies on Strategies of Developing Students' Critical ThinkingAbility in Reading Class Abroad and in China
2.4.1 Brief Review of Studies on Strategies of Developing Students' CriticalThinking Ability in Reading Class Abroad
2.4.2 Brief Review of Studies on Strategies of Developing Students' CriticalThinking Ability in Reading Class in China
Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Research Participants
3.3 Research Instruments
3.3.1 Questionnaires
3.3.2 Interview
3.4 Research Procedures
3.5 Data Collection and Analysis
3.5.1 Data Collection and Analysis of Questionnaire
3.5.2 Data Collection and Analysis of Interview
3.6 Findings
3.6.1 The Inadequacy of Developing Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in HighSchool English Reading Class
3.6.2 The Reasons for the Inadequacy of Developing Students’ Critical ThinkingAbility in High School English Reading Class
Chapter Four Application of Strategies of Developing Students’ Critical ThinkingAbility in High School English Reading class
4.1 Strategies of Developing Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in High SchoolEnglish Reading Class
4.1.1 Setting Development of Students’ Critical Thinking Ability as an ImportantTeaching Objective
4.1.2 Constructing a Democratic and Harmonious Relationship between Studentsand Teachers
4.1.3 Cultivating Students’ Independent Thinking through Scaffolding
4.1.4 Raising the Awareness of Students’ Questioning
4.1.5 Applying“3+1”Teaching Concept
4.2 Teaching Design Based on Strategies of Developing Students’ Critical ThinkingAbility in High School English Reading Class
4.2.1 Introduction to the Teaching Design
4.2.2 Reflection on the Design
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Implications
5.2 Limitations
[1]How do We Teach for Thinking in the Primary Classroom?[J]. 张艳红. 海外英语. 2013(06)
[2]Teaching Critical Reading in Chinese EFL Classrooms[J]. 田秀峰. 海外英语. 2012(16)
[3]中学英语进行有效性阅读教学的现状及意义[J]. 张丽颖. 学周刊. 2012(23)
[4]高中英语阅读教学现状分析及教学策略[J]. 于蔷. 延边教育学院学报. 2012(02)
[5]英语批判性阅读教学与学生批判性思维的培养[J]. 龚慧慧. 青年文学家. 2011(10)
[6]在英语阅读课堂开展批判性阅读训练[J]. 唐光洁. 西南大学学报(社会科学版). 2009(02)
[7]在英语教学中培养学生的创造性和批判性思维[J]. 占卫国,沈红霞. 黄冈职业技术学院学报. 2002(04)
[8]外语教学与学生创造性和批判性思维的培养[J]. 李瑞芳. 外语教学. 2002(05)
[9]“批判性思维”及其教学[J]. 钟启泉. 全球教育展望. 2002(01)
[10]批判性思维的结构、培养模式及存在的问题[J]. 罗清旭. 广西民族学院学报(自然科学版). 2001(03)
[1]批评性阅读理论指导下的高中英语阅读教学[D]. 陈卫国.南京师范大学 2008
[2]阅读教学与学生批判性思维能力的培养[D]. 韩孝实.山东师范大学 2008