发布时间:2022-05-02 19:54
【文章页数】:65 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
1.2 Significance of the Research
1.3 Structure of the Research
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Relevant Concepts
2.1.1 Definition of Teacher Questioning
2.1.2 Function of Teacher Questioning
2.1.3 Classification of Teacher Questioning
2.1.4 Questioning Strategy
2.1.5 Oral Output
2.2 Research of Teacher Questioning at Home and Abroad
2.2.1 Research of Teacher Questioning at Home
2.2.2 Research of Teacher Questioning Abroad
2.3 Theoretical Foundation
2.3.1 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis
2.3.2 Long’s Interaction Hypothesis
2.3.3 Swain’s Output Hypothesis
Chapter Three Method
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Subjects and Data
3.3 Data Analysis Procedures
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Ratios of Teachers’Questions
4.1.1 Results of Ratios of Teachers’Questions
4.1.2 Discussion of Ratios of Teachers’Questions
4.2 Effects of Teachers’Questions on Amount of Students’Oral Output
4.2.1 Results of the Effects of Teachers’Questions on Amount of Students’Oral Output
4.2.2 Discussion of the Effects of Teachers’Questions on Amount of Students’Oral Output
4.3 Effects of Teachers’Questions on Syntactic Complexity of Students’OralOutput
4.3.1 Results of the Effects of Teachers’Questions on the Syntactic Complexityof Students’Oral Output
4.3.2 Discussion of the Effects of Teachers’Questions on Syntactic Complexityof Students’Oral Output
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Pedagogical Implications
5.3 Research Limitations
5.4 Recommendations for Further Study
Appendix Ⅰ
[1]提问之道:历史思维养成路径的探讨[J]. 张汉林. 教育学报. 2018(03)
[2]二语水平与句法复杂度研究元分析[J]. 吴雪,雷蕾. 现代外语. 2018(04)
[3]高阶思维取向下课堂提问的策略研究[J]. 吴飞飞,佟雪峰. 教学与管理. 2018(09)
[4]浅谈课堂提问的误区及应对策略[J]. 陈源,尹芳. 教学与管理. 2018(06)
[5]二语句法复杂度分析器及其在二语写作研究中的应用[J]. 陆小飞,许琪. 外语教学与研究. 2016(03)
[6]英语课堂中教师提问对学习者语言输出的影响研究[J]. 吕璀璀,咸飞,咸修斌. 语言教育. 2015(02)
[7]小学英语课堂提问类型分析[J]. 蒋红梅. 教学与管理. 2015(11)
[8]大学英语教师课堂提问策略对学生口头应答的影响研究[J]. 丁小月. 扬州大学学报(高教研究版). 2015(01)
[9]实习师范生小学英语课堂提问类型[J]. 苏翠英. 山东师范大学外国语学院学报(基础英语教育). 2013(04)
[10]英语教师课堂话语有效性研究:回顾与展望[J]. 朱洪翠,陈莉萍. 西安外国语大学学报. 2013(02)
[1]初中英语阅读课教师提问的支架作用研究[D]. 陈瑞.江西师范大学 2016
[2]小学中低年级英语教学中教师课堂提问现状的研究[D]. 郭勍.天津师范大学 2012
【文章页数】:65 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
1.2 Significance of the Research
1.3 Structure of the Research
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Relevant Concepts
2.1.1 Definition of Teacher Questioning
2.1.2 Function of Teacher Questioning
2.1.3 Classification of Teacher Questioning
2.1.4 Questioning Strategy
2.1.5 Oral Output
2.2 Research of Teacher Questioning at Home and Abroad
2.2.1 Research of Teacher Questioning at Home
2.2.2 Research of Teacher Questioning Abroad
2.3 Theoretical Foundation
2.3.1 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis
2.3.2 Long’s Interaction Hypothesis
2.3.3 Swain’s Output Hypothesis
Chapter Three Method
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Subjects and Data
3.3 Data Analysis Procedures
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Ratios of Teachers’Questions
4.1.1 Results of Ratios of Teachers’Questions
4.1.2 Discussion of Ratios of Teachers’Questions
4.2 Effects of Teachers’Questions on Amount of Students’Oral Output
4.2.1 Results of the Effects of Teachers’Questions on Amount of Students’Oral Output
4.2.2 Discussion of the Effects of Teachers’Questions on Amount of Students’Oral Output
4.3 Effects of Teachers’Questions on Syntactic Complexity of Students’OralOutput
4.3.1 Results of the Effects of Teachers’Questions on the Syntactic Complexityof Students’Oral Output
4.3.2 Discussion of the Effects of Teachers’Questions on Syntactic Complexityof Students’Oral Output
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Pedagogical Implications
5.3 Research Limitations
5.4 Recommendations for Further Study
Appendix Ⅰ
[1]提问之道:历史思维养成路径的探讨[J]. 张汉林. 教育学报. 2018(03)
[2]二语水平与句法复杂度研究元分析[J]. 吴雪,雷蕾. 现代外语. 2018(04)
[3]高阶思维取向下课堂提问的策略研究[J]. 吴飞飞,佟雪峰. 教学与管理. 2018(09)
[4]浅谈课堂提问的误区及应对策略[J]. 陈源,尹芳. 教学与管理. 2018(06)
[5]二语句法复杂度分析器及其在二语写作研究中的应用[J]. 陆小飞,许琪. 外语教学与研究. 2016(03)
[6]英语课堂中教师提问对学习者语言输出的影响研究[J]. 吕璀璀,咸飞,咸修斌. 语言教育. 2015(02)
[7]小学英语课堂提问类型分析[J]. 蒋红梅. 教学与管理. 2015(11)
[8]大学英语教师课堂提问策略对学生口头应答的影响研究[J]. 丁小月. 扬州大学学报(高教研究版). 2015(01)
[9]实习师范生小学英语课堂提问类型[J]. 苏翠英. 山东师范大学外国语学院学报(基础英语教育). 2013(04)
[10]英语教师课堂话语有效性研究:回顾与展望[J]. 朱洪翠,陈莉萍. 西安外国语大学学报. 2013(02)
[1]初中英语阅读课教师提问的支架作用研究[D]. 陈瑞.江西师范大学 2016
[2]小学中低年级英语教学中教师课堂提问现状的研究[D]. 郭勍.天津师范大学 2012