发布时间:2023-04-09 20:15
【文章页数】:89 页
1.1 Research background
1.2 Research significance
1.3 The structure of the thesis
2.Literature Review
2.1 Metacognition
2.1.1 Definition of metacognition
2.1.2 Classification of metacognition
2.2 Metacognitive strategy
2.2.1 Definition of metacognitive strategy
2.2.2 Classification of metacognitive strategy
2.2.3 Researches on metacognitive strategy training at home and abroad
2.3 Previous studies on metacognitive strategy and English reading
3.Theoretical Basis
3.1 Learning strategy
3.1.1 Definition of learning strategy
3.1.2 Classification of learning strategy
3.2 Autonomous learning ability
3.2.1 Definition of autonomous learning ability
3.2.2 Relationship to metacognitive strategy
4.Research Methodology
4.1 Research questions
4.2 Research subjects
4.3 Research instruments
4.4 Research procedures
4.5 Data collection and analysis
5.Results and Discussion
5.1 Results and discussion of questionnaires
5.1.1 Results and discussion of the first questionnaire
5.1.2 Results and discussion of the second questionnaire
5.2 Results and discussion of tests
5.2.1 Independent sample test between EC and CC
5.2.2 Results of pre-test and post-test in CC
5.2.3 Results of pre-test and post-test in EC
5.2.4 Correlation between metacognitive strategy and reading scores
6.1 Major findings of this research
6.2 Implications of this thesis
6.3 Limitations and suggestions of this thesis
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
【文章页数】:89 页
1.1 Research background
1.2 Research significance
1.3 The structure of the thesis
2.Literature Review
2.1 Metacognition
2.1.1 Definition of metacognition
2.1.2 Classification of metacognition
2.2 Metacognitive strategy
2.2.1 Definition of metacognitive strategy
2.2.2 Classification of metacognitive strategy
2.2.3 Researches on metacognitive strategy training at home and abroad
2.3 Previous studies on metacognitive strategy and English reading
3.Theoretical Basis
3.1 Learning strategy
3.1.1 Definition of learning strategy
3.1.2 Classification of learning strategy
3.2 Autonomous learning ability
3.2.1 Definition of autonomous learning ability
3.2.2 Relationship to metacognitive strategy
4.Research Methodology
4.1 Research questions
4.2 Research subjects
4.3 Research instruments
4.4 Research procedures
4.5 Data collection and analysis
5.Results and Discussion
5.1 Results and discussion of questionnaires
5.1.1 Results and discussion of the first questionnaire
5.1.2 Results and discussion of the second questionnaire
5.2 Results and discussion of tests
5.2.1 Independent sample test between EC and CC
5.2.2 Results of pre-test and post-test in CC
5.2.3 Results of pre-test and post-test in EC
5.2.4 Correlation between metacognitive strategy and reading scores
6.1 Major findings of this research
6.2 Implications of this thesis
6.3 Limitations and suggestions of this thesis
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E