发布时间:2018-01-14 10:15
本文关键词:陶行知“创造的儿童教育”思想及其现实意义 出处:《华中师范大学》2003年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 21世纪教育要解决的最重要的问题就是如何造就大批高创造力的人才。就目前我国基础教育而言,我国的儿童教育理论和教育实践还很薄弱,不论家庭、学校、社会,压制摧残儿童创造力的现象都很严重。为了培养一代新人的创新意识与创造能力,我国的基础教育应该关注创造教育,大力开展创造教育。 在我国明确提出对儿童进行创造教育的是现代教育史上的著名教育家陶行知先生。他在自己长期教育实践里非常重视儿童教育问题,曾对儿童教育做过许多精辟的论述。创造的儿童教育思想就是其全部教育思想的一个重要组成部分,具有前瞻性。重新发掘,研究陶行知先生的这一教育思想对于继承和发扬优秀的教育遗产,推进新时期我国基础教育课堂教学改革以及创造教育的顺利实施,,具有极为重要的意义。本文拟定从以下四个部分展开对这一问题的论述。 第一部分:陶行知“创造的儿童教育”思想形成的背景。(一)从学术背景来看,他科学地吸收了王阳明和杜威的教育哲学思想及儿童教育思想的合理内核,并把“创造的儿童教育”思想建立在生活教育基础之上;(二)从时代背景来看,陶行知“创造的儿童教育”思想的形成是时代发展对教育提出的新要求。 第二部分:陶行知“创造的儿童教育”思想的内涵,其基本内容大致可概括为三个方面:(一)儿童有创造力;(二)解放儿童年的创造力;(三)儿童创造力的培养。 第三部分:对陶行知“创造的儿童教育”思想的再认识。 第四部分:陶行知“创造的儿童教育”思想的现实意义。本部分内容从以 二、硕士学位论文 h&47 MASTER’STllESIS 下四个方面,即:(一)“六大解放”的现实意义:(二)当前儿童创造力培养 的新措施:(三)发展创造力应注意的几个问题;(四)树立创造教育新观念。 这一教育思想对推进当前我国基础教育课堂教学改革及实施创造教育所起的 指导,借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:In 21th century, the most important problem to be solved in education is how to bring up a large number of highly creative talents. As far as basic education in our country is concerned, the theory and practice of children's education in our country are still very weak, regardless of the family. In order to cultivate the creative consciousness and ability of the new generation, the basic education of our country should pay attention to the creative education and develop creative education vigorously. In our country, it is the famous educator Tao Xingzhi, a famous educator in the history of modern education, who clearly puts forward the creative education for children. He attaches great importance to the problem of children's education in his long-term educational practice. There have been many incisive expositions on children's education. The thought of children's education created is an important part of its whole educational thought, which is forward-looking and rediscovered. The study of this educational thought of Tao Xingzhi is helpful to inherit and carry forward the excellent educational heritage, to promote the reform of basic education classroom teaching and the smooth implementation of creative education in China in the new period. This paper discusses this problem from the following four parts. The first part: the background of the formation of Tao Xingzhi's thought of "Creative Children's Education". (1) from the academic background. He scientifically absorbed the reasonable core of Wang Yangming and Dewey's educational philosophy and thought of children's education, and established the thought of "creative education of children" on the basis of life education. (2) from the background of the times, the formation of Tao Xingzhi's thought of "Children's Education" is the new requirement of the development of the times. The second part: the connotation of Tao Xingzhi's thought of "Children's Education created", its basic content can be summarized as three aspects: (1) Children have creativity; (II) unleashing the creativity of the year; (3) the cultivation of children's creativity. The third part: the re-understanding of Tao Xingzhi's thought of "Children's Education created". Part 4th: the realistic significance of Tao Xingzhi's thought of "children's education created". Second, Master's thesis H & 47 MASTER'STllESIS The following four aspects: (1) practical significance of the "six Emancipation": (2) the cultivation of Children's creativity at present New measures: (3) some problems to be paid attention to in developing creativity; (4) establishing a new concept of creative education. This educational thought plays an important role in promoting the reform of basic education classroom teaching and implementing creative education in our country. Guide, use for reference.
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1 杜银蝶;民国时期儿童社会教育初探(1927-1937)[D];华中师范大学;2011年
2 张颖;陶行知心理健康教育思想研究[D];扬州大学;2012年