本文选题:西部农村 + 农村幼儿园 ; 参考:《教育探索》2016年10期
[Abstract]:The characteristic garden running is the development orientation of the western countryside kindergarten, the goal is to promote the children's all-round and individual development, the foundation is the kindergarten's overall high quality development, the essence is to form the kindergarten unique characteristic color and the style. The characteristic garden is helpful to construct the self-confidence of the western rural early childhood education, to focus on the research on the development needs of the western rural pre-school children, and to inherit and develop the local culture in the west. However, at present, the rural kindergartens in western China are faced with the difficulties of "urban value" obscuring "local value", the quality of education restricting the characteristic garden running, the deviation between "rank" and "characteristic", and some traditional cultural concepts that are not conducive to the characteristic garden management and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to change the visual angle of view of the characteristic kindergarten in the western rural areas, and design the way of running the garden with the systematic thinking science; pay equal attention to the quality improvement and the characteristic garden management; allocate resources according to the local conditions, formulate the pluralistic standards; and carry on the reflection and transcendence of the culture.
【作者单位】: 延安大学教育科学学院;
【基金】:陕西省重大招标课题(ZDKT1515) 陕西省高水平大学建设专项资金资助项目(2015SXTS01)
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