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发布时间:2018-05-26 23:31

  本文选题:自主学习 + 职业承诺 ; 参考:《学前教育研究》2017年08期

[Abstract]:In order to explore the relationship among kindergarten teachers' professional commitment, job satisfaction, autonomous learning and career maturity, the present study used kindergarten teachers' career commitment, job satisfaction, career maturity questionnaire and self-learning scale. 1192 in-service teachers were investigated. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between self-learning and career commitment, job satisfaction, and career maturity of kindergarten teachers. Independent learning of kindergarten teachers not only plays an intermediary role in the influence of career commitment and job satisfaction on career maturity, but also plays a chain intermediary role in the influence of career commitment on career maturity together with job satisfaction. In the future, teachers should, on the one hand, pay attention to their autonomous learning and help them solve the problem of "willing to learn" and "persist in learning", on the other hand, they should earnestly improve the working conditions and conditions of kindergarten teachers. So that it can produce more positive emotional experience in its work, constantly improve the enthusiasm, initiative and effectiveness of professional learning, thus promoting the steady improvement of the overall quality of kindergarten teachers in our country.
【作者单位】: 湖北文理学院教育学院;华中师范大学学前教育研究中心;深圳大学师范学院;
【基金】:湖南省教育厅科学研究重点项目“幼儿园教师自主学习能力提升机制研究——基于社会认知学习理论的视角”(编号:16A018) 湖北省高校省级教学改革研究项目“基于微学习视角的地方高校学前教育专业实践教学模式改革研究”(编号:2016389) 深圳大学师范学院青年教师扶持项目


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