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发布时间:2018-05-28 09:07

  本文选题:学前教育 + 幼儿教师培养 ; 参考:《中国教育学刊》2014年05期

[Abstract]:The training of preschool teachers should reflect the appropriateness and foresight. From the perspective of appropriateness, we should pay attention to whether the quantity and quality of training can meet the needs of the society, whether it can adapt to the modern development of preschool education, and whether the specifications and connotations of the training can meet the needs of teachers' professional development and so on. The main factors influencing suitability are government attention and input, cultivation model, training goal and specification, curriculum design and training concept, educational resources and quality of students. The foresight trend of preschool education requires strengthening the government's overall planning, adjusting and optimizing the mode of running a school, making clear the training objectives and specifications, reforming the curriculum structure and standardizing the entry examination.
【作者单位】: 嘉兴学院平湖校区规划评估办;


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