[Abstract]:With the deepening of the economic system reform, the transformation of the social structure, the reform of the management mechanism of enterprises and institutions, the direction of running a garden for education, especially for early childhood education in the non-compulsory education stage, The purpose and the way of running the garden have had a great influence, and the development of preschool education is facing new challenges. With the establishment of the modern enterprise system of Baotou Iron and Steel Company, and the gradual development of the social functions of the separation of enterprises, the preschool education system is a logistic service system which conforms to and has made important contributions to the development of Baogang under the planned economic system. How to adapt to the needs of the development of enterprises in the new period, from the cradle of the state-owned enterprises to the market economy, and to adapt to the socialist market economy as soon as possible, it is urgent to explore a new one that meets the requirements of the development of preschool education. Also accord with the market economy law and Baotou Iron and Steel characteristics of the stable separation of the road. In this paper, the methods of opportunity-threat analysis and strong-inferior analysis are used to study the external environmental factors of the development of the preschool education system in Baotou Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and the internal resource factors are analyzed. It is believed that Baotou Iron and Steel Co., Ltd should give full play to the advantages of reasonable layout of child-care service, good teachers and broad product line of preschool education, and face up to its low market concept and high manpower cost. The disadvantage of insufficient R & D capability, actively adapting to the needs of market economy construction and reform of Baotou Iron and Steel Company, and realizing the transformation from unit to society, and at the same time, making effective use of the favorable opportunities that Baotou City's community construction has already achieved initial results in recent years, Organically linking the development of the preschool education system with community life and social development, and establishing and perfecting community-based formal and non-formal networks of early education and maintenance services for the community public, according to local conditions, The development of the preschool education system of Baotou Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. can not only meet the needs of children, but also provide guidance to parents and community service.
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