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发布时间:2018-08-28 15:36
【摘要】:幼儿是祖国的花朵,民族的希望与未来。3~6岁幼儿已经具备了初步的走、跑、跳、投掷、平衡、攀爬等基本动作,平衡能力是人进行运动时所必须,幼儿在进行其他大肌肉动作时都要以平衡能力为基础,通过查阅大量的关于平衡能力方面的文章,发现此类文章多是涉及如何提高老年人的平衡能力或者具有平衡障碍的特殊人群的平衡能力,关于幼儿平衡能力方面的论述少之又少。因此,研究幼儿平衡动作的发展规律,对提高基本动作的完成质量,促进平衡器官的发展,提高适应复杂环境中的生活能力,培养儿童勇敢、沉着的优良品德均具有重要的意义。 本文以2010年国民体质测试大连测试工作为契机,选取大连市市内四个区:中山区、西岗区、沙河口区、甘井子区的每区一所幼儿园的3~6岁80名幼儿共320名幼儿为研究对象,运用文献资料法、测试法、录像观察法、访谈法及数理统计等研究方法对幼儿的走平衡木完成的时间,走的姿势等进行了分析,得出以下结论: 1.6岁男幼儿走平衡木平均完成时间最快,为4.89秒;3岁男幼儿的平均完成时间最慢,为18.77秒。 2.走平衡木完成的时间,男女幼儿均在4岁这一年龄段比3岁同性别的幼儿平均完成时间有较大的飞跃。 3.幼儿的年龄越小,在维持平衡过程中,幼儿双臂的形态越无规律可寻。且女幼儿无论各个年龄段手臂的协调性均优于同年龄段的男幼儿,而且行走的平稳性也优于同年龄段的男幼儿。 4.大连市幼儿园的幼儿无论在室内还是室外都可以得到充分的时间来进行体育活动或身体锻炼。 5.幼儿园的体育活动多以游戏为主,普遍运动负荷较低,发展身体素质的练习不足。 6.大连市幼儿园并没有针对幼儿平衡能力进行专门的练习,而且对幼儿的平衡能力没有予以重视。 7.大连市幼儿走平衡木完成时间的分值多集中在3分和4分之间,得1分和5分的人数占得比例较小,但是需要提升的空间也很大。
[Abstract]:Young children are the flowers of the motherland, and the hope of the nation and the future. The children of 6 years of age already have the basic movements of walking, running, jumping, throwing, balancing, climbing and so on. The ability to balance is essential for people to do sports. In other major muscle movements, young children are based on the ability to balance, by consulting a large number of articles on the ability to balance. It is found that most of these articles are concerned with how to improve the balance ability of the elderly or the balance ability of the special population with balance disorders, but there is little discussion on the balance ability of young children. Therefore, the study of the development law of children's balanced movements can improve the quality of basic movements, promote the development of balanced organs, improve the ability to adapt to the complex environment, and train children to be brave. All good qualities of composure are of great significance. Based on the Dalian National Fitness Test in 2010, this paper selects 320 children from each kindergarten in Zhongshan District, Xigang District, Shahekou District and Ganjingzi District of Dalian City as the research objects. By using the methods of literature, test, video observation, interview and mathematical statistics, this paper analyzes the time and posture of children's walking balance beam. The conclusion is as follows: the average completion time of 1.6 year old boys walking the balance beam is the fastest, which is 4.89 seconds and 3 years old boys' average completion time is the slowest, 18.77.2 seconds. When the balance beam was completed, the average completion time of boys and girls at the age of 4 was greater than that of the children of the same sex at the age of 3. The younger the child is, the more irregular the shape of the child's arms is in the process of maintaining balance. Moreover, the coordination of arms in every age group is better than that of male children of the same age, and the stability of walking is better than that of male children of the same age. Dalian kindergarten children in both indoor and outdoor can be given sufficient time for physical activity or physical exercise. 5. Kindergarten sports activities are mainly games, the general sports load is low, the development of physical fitness practice is insufficient. 6. 6. Dalian city kindergarten does not carry on the specialized exercise to the child balance ability, and does not pay attention to the young child's balance ability. 7. 7. The finishing time of balance beam in Dalian is mostly between 3 points and 4 points. The number of children who get 1 and 5 points is small, but there is also a lot of room for improvement.


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