[Abstract]:The natural growth of children has universal and consistent laws, and we have to consider the influence of culture and education when we seek to develop objective laws. From the perspective of developmental psychology, this paper probes into the characteristics of children's socio-psychological adjustment and academic efforts in the context of parental upbringing and sociocultural environment, in order to establish an appropriate cultural environment to promote the development of adolescents. In this study, we investigated the perception of parental authority and parental rearing practices between Chinese and American children, and analyzed the reasons for the parents' taking such practices. Based on the cross-cultural study of parental rearing style, the significance of the interaction between social psychology and life experience of children in different cultural backgrounds is understood in order to further explore the autonomy and regulation of children in the social and cultural environment.
【作者单位】: 上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院;
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