发布时间:2018-01-18 08:25
本文关键词:历史进程中的中国特色学徒制改革:动因、经验与方向 出处:《职业技术教育》2017年07期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 中国特色学徒制 经验 制度逻辑 质量标准 利益回报递增
[Abstract]:Throughout China's economic development, industrial transformation, technological upgrading and technology culture inheritance history, has always needed apprenticeship system, just need apprenticeship scale, way. Different standards. After liberation, the rise, growth and even decline of the enterprise apprenticeship system in China. In the middle of 80s, the National Board of Education carried out the German "dual system" vocational education model pilot and the prototype of modern apprenticeship system in practice, as well as the slow progress and even interruption in the later period. At present, the two ministries in our country are experimenting apprenticeship system, only take the historical experience and the question as the logical starting point of the research and practice. Social division of labor and professional collaboration as the basis for the development of apprenticeship path design, at the same time the establishment of apprenticeship, master and enterprise needs based on the interests of the increasing return mechanism, the establishment of national professional standards. Only when the framework of apprenticeship quality standards and professional qualifications are connected, can apprenticeship system really walk out of the road of Chinese characteristics.
【作者单位】: 吉林工程技术师范学院职业技术教育研究院;
【基金】:吉林省教育厅“十三五”社会科学研究项目“区域职业教育校企合作治理体系研究”(吉教科文合字[2016]第92号) 吉林省教育科学规划课题“城镇化进程中吉林省职业教育供给侧改革的路径与政策创新研究”(GH16401) 吉林省职成专项课题“职业教育供给侧改革的理论内涵、运作逻辑与实现路径研究”,主持人:周晶
【正文快照】: 考察当前关于我国解放后学徒制的研究成果,有诸多盲点未给予呈现。解放后我国学徒制的兴起、壮大乃至衰落,都有其深厚的历史背景,也有值得挖掘的经验和教训。当前教育部、人力资源与社会保障部正在积极推进学徒制试点,只有以科学的思维审视历史,正视历史中的经验和教训,才能推
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