本文选题:高职行业英语 切入点:教师专业发展 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the vigorous development of higher vocational education, the construction of teaching staff has become the key to improve the quality of vocational education, and the problem of teacher professional development has become an important research topic in the field of higher vocational education. Many researches on teacher professional development in foreign countries have been in a relatively mature stage, and many other disciplines in our country have also made considerable research on teacher professional development, and a large number of valuable research results have emerged. However, in the field of vocational education, a large number of valuable research results have emerged. Especially in higher vocational colleges, the research on professional development of professional English teachers has been gradually developed in the past ten years, and the research results are relatively few. So, what is the current situation of professional development of English teachers in higher vocational colleges? What are the main problems, what measures should be taken to promote the professional development of English teachers in higher vocational colleges and so on, which are worthy of our investigation and study. Based on this, this paper focuses on the professional development of English teachers in higher vocational colleges. The main research contents include five parts: the first part and the second part mainly focus on the theoretical level, on the basis of learning and summarizing the existing research results, focus on the connotation of professional development of English teachers. On this basis, it forms the specific professional quality structure system of professional development of English teachers in higher vocational colleges, and probes into the goals and approaches of professional development of English teachers in higher vocational colleges combined with the relevant theoretical basis. In the third and fourth parts, the present situation of professional development of English teachers in higher vocational colleges is investigated and analyzed. This paper summarizes the basic situation and problems of the professional development of English teachers in higher vocational colleges and tries to analyze the factors that affect the professional development of English teachers in higher vocational colleges. The fifth part makes a systematic summary, forms the final conclusion, and takes the initiative to reflect, point out the shortcomings, and look forward to the future research direction.
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